Xef wrote:Oh wow. So basically, if anybody has any criticism towards anything that blizzard did at the start and put in the game, their opinions are "bad and biased", they don't belong in vanilla servers and should leave so that others could be happier and they're also a spoiled brat?
The whole point of my first post was that imo people take the whole '100% blizzlike' a bit too seriously, but by having that opinion, I'm "clearly one of those Kronos Fanboy that ruined the server".
No wonder people elsewhere say these forums are toxic and suggests people to stay away from them, when this is what happens when you post your opinions.
Actually if you have anything negative to say or disagree with anything, the Nost dickriders will scream at you until they foam at the mouth. Logic and reason has no place with them.
You CAN like something AND criticize it at the same time, but the average Nost fanboy has the maturity of an 8 year old and the intellect of a potato.