7300 people logged on!

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Re: 7300 people logged on!

by Everz » Mon May 18, 2015 1:04 pm

I came over on Friday after having not played WoW for years, the huge population swung me and it's been hectic and fun, really caught the Vanilla retail release feeling, especially the random pickup groups for quests, only downside has been the amount of mobs not satisfying the amount of people, Westfall has been hilarious for it :D.

Re: 7300 people logged on!

by sanserof » Mon May 18, 2015 2:20 pm

PanTheSatyr wrote:Then go play on Kronos.

I just gave you a reason why I don't.
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Re: 7300 people logged on!

by Arael » Mon May 18, 2015 3:38 pm

Tam wrote:
Arael wrote:Yes, it's doesn't look to be a connection issue, it looks like a CPU delay issue.

The machine is clearly under pressure when you reach 6.5k.

You can notice it from casting delay and movements delay.

it's logical, server has 3x mor population than typical blizzard vanilla realm back in the days
also current delay is way lower than it was at Nos launch, means devs r working on it

so i hope in some time they will improve their system or w/e needs to be inproved to serve 7k online perfectly

I had to quit due of this issue, but I saw how it improved after the donation have been opened and the new machine have been bought.
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Re: 7300 people logged on!

by Zotose » Mon May 18, 2015 5:32 pm

NA East Coast Player here.. no delay.. idk why every one else does..

Re: 7300 people logged on!

by Badtank » Mon May 18, 2015 6:23 pm

sanserof wrote:
Crysthal wrote:That's what he said - 15kids

Kronos has better scripting than Nostalrius, you ought to give them more credit. The only reason why Nostalrius is more popular is because of a better timed launch date, and it continues to be more popular because of a more thriving community.

No, lol, it does not. Not even close. At most they are on par with each other.
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Re: 7300 people logged on!

by KniferArx » Mon May 18, 2015 7:19 pm

I had delay yesterday when everyone was on and it was pretty annoying, it didn't want to make me get off or anything, it was just annoying. If it means the server's growing, I can deal with it.

Re: 7300 people logged on!

by flechu » Mon May 18, 2015 7:50 pm

As rogue the delay is pretty annoying .... you cant stunlock... make combos or whatever you want to do...... hope they fix this soon .

Re: 7300 people logged on!

by Busdriverx » Tue May 19, 2015 12:07 am

flechu wrote:As rogue the delay is pretty annoying .... you cant stunlock... make combos or whatever you want to do...... hope they fix this soon .

When I've been cheapshotting I've been hitting kidney with a solid 1.1 seconds left on the stun just so it can go off before they get a global, really sad state for the server
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