Uncommon (green) Wands with +Spelldmg

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Uncommon (green) Wands with +Spelldmg

by Soifeng » Tue May 19, 2015 3:23 pm


I was wondering when items of Shadow/Frost/Fiery/Holy/Arcane Wrath or Healing will be implemented ? Speaking about wands with +21 spelldmg or +31 heal is prolly too strong for the current patch.

I tried to find information on several websites but failed.

Please help me if you know anything :)
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Re: Uncommon (green) Wands with +Spelldmg

by mynamewastaken » Tue May 19, 2015 3:45 pm

btw this is a common misbelivew thos wands only existed in a patch cycle like from 1.7 -1.8 until they were patched out and were only produced by mistake, if nost does their jerb they will never exist you can read my wisdom on wowiki if you're still sceptical brother
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