Do Small Pouches drop too much?

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Do Small Pouches drop too much?

by Infernoplex » Mon May 18, 2015 10:02 am

I have tried to find any patch notes relating to this and couldn't but I'm almost certain that 6-slot bags like "Small Green Pouch" or the other color varieties didn't use to drop as much as they do now up until WotLK or something.

You'll get 4-8 of them before you're even 10 and I remember having to resort to vendor bags a lot more. There is a reason one of the quests in Dun Morogh rewards a 4-slot bag.
Part of the fun of being a tailor was providing your friend with bags at low level :S

Re: Do Small Pouches drop too much?

by Simonich » Mon May 18, 2015 10:18 am

I got only one. You're lucky :p
Was good to have you all

Hail The Red Dawn <3
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Re: Do Small Pouches drop too much?

by mekoneko » Mon May 18, 2015 10:41 am

On my warlock I was getting a lot of them but now on my new priest hardly any.

Re: Do Small Pouches drop too much?

by Vardia » Mon May 18, 2015 11:39 am

Sounds like you've been pretty lucky. I've gotten two all the way up to lvl 20, so yeah :P
And the six slot bags weren't too rare back then.
Vardia Undead Mage
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Re: Do Small Pouches drop too much?

by Everz » Mon May 18, 2015 1:08 pm

I've got 5 but I spent a good time grinding mobs without realising I could go to Westfall....

Re: Do Small Pouches drop too much?

by Infernoplex » Tue May 19, 2015 2:46 pm

5 characters now. 3 of my own and 2 of friends all got 4 6-slot bags before getting out of the starting area.

I am SURE that they didn't use to drop like that. If you compare their vendor price with that of other items dropping around that level you'll also notice that it can't be.

Re: Do Small Pouches drop too much?

by SnowFlakes » Tue May 19, 2015 3:30 pm

This bug should really be fixed before they even think about releasing BWL. The implications this has on the server economy is almost beyond repair.
oh, ok.
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Re: Do Small Pouches drop too much?

by Infernoplex » Tue May 19, 2015 4:39 pm

SnowFlakes wrote:This bug should really be fixed before they even think about releasing BWL. The implications this has on the server economy is almost beyond repair.

I haven't seen anyone else talk about it and since the aim is to be "blizzlike" I think it's a valid thing to comment on.

I know you're being sarcastic but since I'm still leveling I really WOULD prefer them to fix stuff like unit placement, resource nodes and mobs not using their abilities properly or having wrong behaviors/stats.
Most people will never notice most of that but if you know what to look for there are still plenty of things not quite "right".

Re: Do Small Pouches drop too much?

by AverageJoe » Tue May 19, 2015 5:12 pm

I got a crapload of them across nearly all my characters. So far I've rolled five characters: warlock, hunter, priest, warrior, and mage and each one of them has all four bag placeholders filled with the 6-slot bags you get from mobs in the level 1-10 starting zone.

They didn't drop evenly across all characters though. My warlock (First character I rolled) got the most. Seemed like one bag dropped for almost every level. In fact, I got so many I ended up rolling my other characters ahead of when I planned to start playing them just to mail the bags to them so they wouldn't take up my bank space. My mage and priest ended up getting the second and third most. My hunter was left out in the cold, only getting one and on the very last quest once I was almost level 11.
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