Mr. Wiggles? Turtle Pet

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Mr. Wiggles? Turtle Pet

by Sarvaeth » Wed May 20, 2015 9:38 am

Hey guys, Sarvaeth... Your local Turtle-Chasing Hunter.

Today in Orgrimmar I saw a Warlock with a pet by the name of Mr. Wiggles... as you can see here:

I asked him how he got it because,

1. He's a Warlock
2. That pet model does not look Vanilla

He told me he did a quest to do it but forgot the quest name.

Does anybody know if this is true? Where can I find the quest?

Thanks, see you in Azeroth!
- Sarv, your friendly neighborhood Hunter.
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Re: Mr. Wiggles? Turtle Pet

by sanserof » Wed May 20, 2015 9:44 am

That doesn't seem right.

I am pretty sure Mr. Wiggles is supposed to be a pig, and I don't think that pig is in the game yet.
But maybe I am wrong.
Sanserof - Night Elf Druid
Weezie - Troll Shaman
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Re: Mr. Wiggles? Turtle Pet

by Lurks_moar » Wed May 20, 2015 10:38 am

Mr. Wiggles is not Vanilla

In the comments there is this little gem

By phaydre (30,906 – 4·5·39) on 2006/12/12 (Patch 2.0.1)
Mr. Wiggles was a quest reward (1 of the 4 choices) during the 2006 Children's Week. After escorting a young orphan around Azeroth you return to select your reward (and give your poor orphan back to the orphanage.)

Places to visit were:
The bank in Darnassus (Alliance)
The lighthouse in Westfall (Alliance)
Jaina Proudmoore in Theramore (Alliance)
Mor'shan Rampart (Horde)
Lordaeron Throne Room (Horde)
Cairne Bloodhoof in Thunder Bluff (Horde)

Other pet rewards included a rat or a turtle. The 4th option was 5g.

It's quite a bit of fun to take your orphan out during raiding, having them experience Onyxia or BWL really added to their experience - and made for some good vent chat and screen shots.

The Orphan's quests are BS content. Honestly I think the people who have them shouldn't get punished as they are just questing, but I do think the quest needs to be reverted/removed to be timeline appropriate

Re: Mr. Wiggles? Turtle Pet

by Sarvaeth » Wed May 20, 2015 10:46 am

Lurks_moar wrote:Mr. Wiggles is not Vanilla

In the comments there is this little gem

By phaydre (30,906 – 4·5·39) on 2006/12/12 (Patch 2.0.1)
Mr. Wiggles was a quest reward (1 of the 4 choices) during the 2006 Children's Week. After escorting a young orphan around Azeroth you return to select your reward (and give your poor orphan back to the orphanage.)

Places to visit were:
The bank in Darnassus (Alliance)
The lighthouse in Westfall (Alliance)
Jaina Proudmoore in Theramore (Alliance)
Mor'shan Rampart (Horde)
Lordaeron Throne Room (Horde)
Cairne Bloodhoof in Thunder Bluff (Horde)

Other pet rewards included a rat or a turtle. The 4th option was 5g.

It's quite a bit of fun to take your orphan out during raiding, having them experience Onyxia or BWL really added to their experience - and made for some good vent chat and screen shots.

The Orphan's quests are BS content. Honestly I think the people who have them shouldn't get punished as they are just questing, but I do think the quest needs to be reverted/removed to be timeline appropriate

So I can obtain this right now or not? Are the orphan quests permanently in Nostalrius or something?

Also, I believe the turtle Orphan Pet was "speedy" because I obtained it on my old Retail account.
I believe this Turtle model is from Wotlk. How did he obtain it?
- Sarv, your friendly neighborhood Hunter.
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Re: Mr. Wiggles? Turtle Pet

by Gonaro » Wed May 20, 2015 12:39 pm

Yesterday there were a lot of players scorting children to UC. Seems that Mr. Wiggles is getting very popular.
But my hand was made strong
By the hand of the Almighty
We forward in this generation

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Re: Mr. Wiggles? Turtle Pet

by Manaci » Wed May 20, 2015 12:43 pm

Mr. Wiggles is one of the three mini pets you get for doing the Children's week quests. It is supposed to have a pig model, but for some reason the model is the Riding Turtle mount that you could get from the TCG codes during Vanilla.
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Re: Mr. Wiggles? Turtle Pet

by Hansger » Wed May 20, 2015 8:14 pm

Lurks_moar wrote:Mr. Wiggles is not Vanilla

In the comments there is this little gem

By phaydre (30,906 – 4·5·39) on 2006/12/12 (Patch 2.0.1)
Mr. Wiggles was a quest reward (1 of the 4 choices) during the 2006 Children's Week. After escorting a young orphan around Azeroth you return to select your reward (and give your poor orphan back to the orphanage.)

Places to visit were:
The bank in Darnassus (Alliance)
The lighthouse in Westfall (Alliance)
Jaina Proudmoore in Theramore (Alliance)
Mor'shan Rampart (Horde)
Lordaeron Throne Room (Horde)
Cairne Bloodhoof in Thunder Bluff (Horde)

Other pet rewards included a rat or a turtle. The 4th option was 5g.

It's quite a bit of fun to take your orphan out during raiding, having them experience Onyxia or BWL really added to their experience - and made for some good vent chat and screen shots.

The Orphan's quests are BS content. Honestly I think the people who have them shouldn't get punished as they are just questing, but I do think the quest needs to be reverted/removed to be timeline appropriate

Think you missed the Quick Facts section of the page that shows they were added in patch 1.11.1.

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