Useful links (mostly macros)

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Useful links (mostly macros)

by James Goblin » Wed Jan 21, 2015 12:00 pm

Following link leads to great number of all kinds of guides from 2006 (some will give you no more than a good laugh :D , great deal are ˝meh...˝ but some are actually meaty and useful).
They range from typical stuff such as numerous ˝How to 1-300˝ profession or class specific PvP/PvE guides, places to fish/grind this or that, ˝Make X Gold In Y Hours˝, ˝How to kill warriors as a rogue˝ to such as Thunderfury Guide, 45 Min Strath, Onyxia Attunement (including a number of low-level instance guides), AV guide (!?), Barrens (!) guide, or you can learn how to ˝Guaranteed Warsong Gulch Win˝ :mrgreen: ... ex515.html

Speaking of macros, during my vanilla excavations I stumbled upon some of these and remembered an old request by my friend Drain, then did some more random Googling on the topic:

WoWpedia macros archives (1.12...?):

WoW Wiki ˝Useful Macros (1.0)˝

Few 2006 - threads on Vanilla macros: ... mmies.html and also ... macro.html

Feenix 1.12.1 Interface & Macros forums:

1.12 Druid macros (from Valkyrie WoW): ... topic=2532

Some post - Vanilla macros (part of these should actually work in 1.12 ?) good, at least, for macroing ideas:

Lots of Druid & Priest (with some general and lots of explanation) late 2006 - early 2007 macros (2.0 I guess)

WoWhead UI & Macros Forum (oldest threads - the ones link leads to - are from 2007; have in mind that ˝next˝ page is actually the lower number - say, 206 -> 205 -> 204... we are moving backwards through time)

Some ˝younger˝ sets of macros (nicely sorted by classes):

Two from 2008: and
and few undated (?) ones: and

PS Rogues might be interested in this; February 2009, but still food for thought (I discovered it years earlier on my Rogue, doing all of that manually for some time and I even left WoW without knowing that later on some people actually macroed it into 2 or 1 button thing) (I have couple more rogue tricks and macro links, but since I intend to play will understand... :twisted: )

PPS giving specific macros (I believe that 90% of folks would be interested in that exclusively) before server release and extensive testing would be kinda premature. Also, I haven´t macroed at all after I quit WoW, IIRC 2008 - sometime in BC.
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James Goblin
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Re: Useful links (mostly macros)

by James Goblin » Wed Feb 11, 2015 5:12 pm

Dumping a couple more macros I found (from March to August 2007 - same as part of macros from above, besides giving ideas, they either work in Vanilla or probably can be slightly modified).

Priest (good part of these is generally for any class) macros - ... acros.html

Warlock (again easily modifiable for any class) basic focus & Fear macro (no idea whether focus worked in Vanilla - info or testing required :) ) ... -cast.html

Warrior macros, very long list (weapon swap & stace dance in order to intercept, disarm, 2H execute, overpower etc. in one button, together with some PvE or generally usefull ones) ... acros.html
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James Goblin
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Re: Useful links (mostly macros)

by Youfie » Wed Feb 11, 2015 5:33 pm

The focus macro didn't even really exist in Vanilla. You had to rely on the "assist" complicated script described in your second link.

Basically, all the conditions between brackets that you could put at the begining of your macro were introduced with TBC.
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Re: Useful links (mostly macros)

by Drain » Wed Feb 11, 2015 6:00 pm

The castsequences and bracket mods in these links aren't any good for this server. We're on Classic, which doesn't support the newer macro system introduced with BC. Back then, we used rows of /casts, which spammed our interface(but otherwise worked), or long overly complicated scripts to do the exact same things that later became much easier to type out in the newer system using bracket mods. The problem is that these scripts were too complicated to type. They basically required programming knowledge and code functions of the client itself, which then had to be typed in a very specific way to accomplish anything. It was a huge mess that few people could make sense of.

Back then your solution was generally to just find someone that wrote the convoluted script for you, then edit them to your needs by changing inventory numbers, spell IDs, or spell names. That's what everyone did, including me. But finding these is now quite difficult. Too bad I didn't keep any of them. I moved on like everyone else when BC released. I didn't know I'd ever be returning to this system. They've now been obsolete and abandoned since 2006. Most are probably long gone. Sooner or later, someone is going to have to come along, learn the system all over again, and retype the original pre BC complicated macro scripts. Until then, only a handful people manage to dig up off the oldest of surviving internet archives will ever be used again. If they are going to be recreated, rather than just dug up in limited number, then someone has to learn this mess all over again(and more importantly, share it).
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Re: Useful links (mostly macros)

by Lemonfreezer » Wed Feb 11, 2015 6:06 pm

Might be for the best though. Skillcap will be higher for most classes without the usage of macros.
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Re: Useful links (mostly macros)

by James Goblin » Wed Feb 11, 2015 8:18 pm

That makes post-2006 ones much less useful than I hoped. Anyway, thanks for info!
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James Goblin
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Re: Useful links (mostly macros)

by Drain » Thu Feb 12, 2015 1:19 am

Less useful as in useless. If they have any castsequences or bracket mods such as [help] [harm] [flying] etc then the 1.12 client will have no idea what you're trying to do. I don't even think /use will work for items without putting in inventory slot numbers, as I tried on my Warlock and it wouldn't do anything. I could get get a macro to use my healthstone.
R I P: Untoten(29d, 12h), Schuss(54d, 10h), Bluten(27d, 8h), Angst(9d, 11h), Zauber(23d, 5h)
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Re: Useful links (mostly macros)

by James Goblin » Thu Feb 12, 2015 2:24 am

Speaking of macro for using Healthstone, ... mmies.html has some info in 5) Bags (Understanding Location & Putting Location to Use sections).

Not the best macro guide ever, but together with (2 Inventory / Items section) it should work after some testing.

PS If I remember correctly, I was using my Healthstone by simply dragging it from my bag to some interface slot, and then binding that one.
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James Goblin
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