New Player with ONE question!

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

New Player with ONE question!

by AmaraAtma » Tue May 26, 2015 7:26 pm

I come from another Vanilla server and I'm sure we all know which one but I don't want to name it and possibly break the forum rules that I haven't read so here goes my one question:

Will the ENTIRE Ironweave Set be available on this server??? The server I played on before wouldn't fix the quest chain and the chest wouldn't spawn the chest the shoulders were in and I literally refuse to play WoW because I can't complete that set and compete in PvP properly as I intended. I imagine they had to have known this because I made 3 issue reports on it for them and spammed their forums for 3 years on and off waiting for something. They didn't even put it in their vote/donor shop even though every other piece of Ironweave was.

P.S. @#$& that server and their non-responsive Dev Team.

Re: New Player with ONE question!

by AverageJoe » Tue May 26, 2015 7:57 pm

You can say which server you came from; that's not against the rules. It's advertising for other servers that's against the rules. Simply stating which server you used to play on isn't advertising. People here freely talk about their experiences on Feenix, Kronos, and the like.
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