Ganjo wrote:No server logs is the real problem. You wonder why you have to have screen shots when submitting tickets for multiboxing???? What could a screen shot possibly prove about multiboxing?? I provide location, server time and names of all accounts and when a GM talks to me they tell me they cannot do anything without screen shots.
And OP, you are a worthless twat. You accused multiple people of botting and they came into the forums to show you how stupid you are. If anything happens it should be they ban YOUR accounts for spreading lies.
I accused those people because they were level 5 fishing at an hidden area in duskwood. I didn't accuse anyone else, that was other people joining into the conversation without any proof. On the second page of this thread there is a list of names given by Blaxy.(go back and read before posting) I do not know where he got these names(could have been him recording players he saw) but he is not me. Regardless the GMs looking into that list of names(if they even are) are doing so with data they have gathered about the accused characters actions.
My argument is reasonable. There is no reason why a bunch of level 1-5s would be in duskwood, in a hidden area, to fish of all places. It can easily be done anywhere else but they chose there so nobody would see them and for someone to do what I just did. If they wanted to fish in a hidden area to avoid horde then they could have gone fishing in Elwyn forest where they are not flagged for pvp, or Ironforge, Stormwind, any other friendly zone.
As for your thing on multiboxing-It is really easy to tell if someone is multiboxing when they have one person leading around four other characters of the same class/level. I think they may want screenshots as proof to send to someone if they complain that their account was banned, or just even to begin their investigations they want picture proof evidence first. Its their way and it may not be perfect but sending in a screenshot of a misdoing is a pretty good way of telling someone that they were caught. Try asking them why they would need them.
Sometimes I just wish everyone could summon infernals.