Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

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Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

by Same » Tue May 26, 2015 3:07 pm

You can open an in-game ticket under harassment to get a hold of a GM to handle the issue, but keep in mind that this is a PvP server. Last night there was over 8100 players at peak and camping players is not against the Terms of Use(viewtopic.php?f=2&t=8). Don't expect a GM to do anything more than warn the player, if necessary. Now, same faction griefing and players using an exploit to excessively kill you is against the rules and sanctions can be handed out.

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Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

by Hyunckel » Tue May 26, 2015 3:24 pm

PanTheSatyr wrote:This is what PvP is all about: anarchy and assholes ruining the game for other people because they're powerless in their real life. It's shitty, but it's never going to change.

This guy got it.


Thompz wrote:Can a GM tell me who has had more tickets out of me and Nain? My chars are Thompz, Thompzy and Ragemoreplz.

I am certain I have griefed more than you Nain!!

This is a signature until I can bypass that damned 502 ERROR when I put an IMG tag in my sig and try to submit it.
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Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

by Eyeful » Wed May 27, 2015 12:02 pm


Can we go home now? People are starting to look.
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Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

by Nain » Thu May 28, 2015 6:09 am

Eyeful wrote:Image

Can we go home now? People are starting to look.

Nah, you can and will be banned. If you ignore this "warning" for killing a player too much, you'll probably be banned, despite it not being against any "terms of use". The terms of use mean nothing. This place has generic private server game masters without a shred of doubt.
† Nain now rests in the arms of our lord. He died a sickly infant at the age of 3 months and 24 days. †
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Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

by PanTheSatyr » Thu May 28, 2015 12:40 pm

Nain wrote:
Eyeful wrote:Nah, you can and will be banned. If you ignore this "warning" for killing a player too much, you'll probably be banned, despite it not being against any "terms of use". The terms of use mean nothing. This place has generic private server game masters without a shred of doubt.

Go steal some little kids' lunch money, you crybaby.
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