First character

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First character

by Kuukk3li » Thu May 28, 2015 5:01 pm

So I was considering on making a character on this server, but cant seem to make my mind up. I like the playstyle of warrior and rogue, but seeing as there are so many of both of those classes already at 60, getting a raidspot will be difficult. The other option is to roll a warlock which I also like, just not as much. I however want to raid, that's the reason I'm considering playing here in the first place. So what do you say; just roll warrior/rogue anyway and fuck the police, or play a warlock and take the easy way out probably getting a raidspot much faster.

Warlock has to roll against so many specs for gear tho :?

P.S. Can a dps warrior even get a raidspot, or are they all tanks?

Re: First character

by norm964bgb » Thu May 28, 2015 5:48 pm

Be fury. Invest considerable amounts of time apart of actualy gaming to get to know your class.
Min/max and find your spot. A friend of mine started playing on Warsong 4 months before its downfall due to Nostalrius. Prior he donated for preraid BiS gear and he was in BWL/AQ/Naxx gear in notime.
And why is that? He had the knowledge, the maturity, the skill and topped DPS charts. Therefore he was taken along.

TL;DR: Be the best, defend your spot and you are good to go to get a raidspot.
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Re: First character

by Mugo » Thu May 28, 2015 5:55 pm

May be not much of a point, but I've been picking the most hated class and after some time investigating it came to conclusion that everything we can actually do to improve ourselves with is to sign up to something we take much harder or less likely to pick. As the saying goes - what does not kill you make you stronger. And for your case, less you like the class the better you'll learn it. And, who might ever know, may be even love it and excell with it.

Roll a warlock. ;)
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