Any good resources out there?

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Any good resources out there?

by ProfessorPicklez » Thu May 28, 2015 2:42 pm

Hey all!

I am a wow veteran of nine years and have just recently discovered this gem of a private server. My friend and I are absolutely loving it, reliving our childhood of playing wow together! This being said I was wondering if anybody knows of any good websites or resources such as gear info, BIS items and all the other necessary stuff.

All of the information I have found on the more prominent wow websites has been updated and no longer reflects this vanilla state of the game. Any help or information would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much guys and looking forward to seeing yall in Azeroth!

Re: Any good resources out there?

by Pottu » Thu May 28, 2015 4:53 pm

I personally use

It is not 100% accurate, as Nostalrius follow an earlier patch for itemization and thus some items are missing from the game, have different stats and some quests are missing as well - but nine times out of ten it is accurate.

For BIS items, check the class forums.
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Re: Any good resources out there?

by Bioness » Thu May 28, 2015 9:16 pm
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Re: Any good resources out there?

by Dalayne » Fri May 29, 2015 7:00 am

As stated above seems to be one of the first ressources, as otherwise similar vanilla databases are helpful. Sometimes you can get hints within youtube, lets say for a quest. Lots of people have uploaded old video which are sometimes useful.

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