by Irithus » Sun May 31, 2015 8:38 pm
When i joined Nostalrious begins vanila 1.12.1 server i could not belive how great this server is. I loved mechanics, latency 20-30ms, population.
But after few days of playing, when population went over 4500, my latency was still the same max 40ms, server got delay. At 6k+ this delay (around 1sec peaks) is for me, experienced player from retail WOW since vanila untill Cata. ( and free servers like feenix - ED/alakir/warsong , Kronos-only as tester). For me delay is the worst thing you can give to MMORPG players. You cant pvp or pve while you are at like 1sec delay. When server is at 9k online ppl its unplayable. When i start to cast with my lock (latency 40ms max) my cast bar is not moving like 2 secs.
If you will not repair this many ppl will leave , because its not wow but something dota1 or even worse.
I have solution to this and its Que at 4500 ppl. I know ppl will cry about que. For me its better to wait in que and play quality game then join game with 9k ppl and see how all ppl suffer with delay, and cant enjoy playing...
i hope someone from NOS will reply to my post so ill be able to chose stay or leave the server.
Aliance Warlock Druxila