New to WoW and Nostalrius

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New to WoW and Nostalrius

by Jackel » Thu Jun 04, 2015 7:43 am

Hey Everyone,

I have had friends that have played WoW in the past and I never really got into it, I saw some youtube series of this server and I though why not give it a shot. I have only played wow for probably a total of an hour in my life aha. Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated. ( I also have no clue about all these terms like spec and things like that) Apparently Frost Mage is good to start out with? I have no clue!

Any thoughts,tips or advice would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks :)

Re: New to WoW and Nostalrius

by Lakweeta » Thu Jun 04, 2015 10:36 am

Welcome to wow! More specifically, Nostalrius! :D

Okay so anyways c:

First off, spec mean just that. Spec! Frost is a spec, Fire is a spec etc c:

Frost Mage is a good starting class, so is Priest in my
Opinion because of bubble and OP wand spec c:

Racials do matter a bit in Vanilla wow no matter what anyone says.

If you think you'll be into pvp heavily, and be Horde it's best to go UNDEAD because of their op racial, Will of the Forsaken.

For Alliance, you'll want to go Gnome if you get into pvp because of +5% int and their racial on-use as well.
If you could care less about pvp, pick what you think is beautiful c: <3

I recommend doing Dwarf Priest. Just because at 60 you'll automatically have a raid spot because of Fear Ward and because Dwarfies are extremely cute.

Tailoring and Herbalism are 2 great professions for any caster, at 190 Tailoring (took me 8g total to get it to 190) you get to make the coveted "Robe of Power" :-)

Always keep an up-to-date Wand handy with any caster, ESPECIALY PRIEST!

So yeah, have fun! :D

Re: New to WoW and Nostalrius

by Blackadder » Thu Jun 04, 2015 11:05 am

Easy classes to start with:

-hunter . you can have a pet that fights for you at lvl 10 . so you don;'t get hit.. fastest leveler
-warlock - same, but with demon minions. also very fast

-rogue fast kills and you can get invisible,, very handy to learn the world without getting killed
-mage - just kill stuff from a distance. good escape mechanism

not so easy classes:

-priest kills slower
-shaman hybrid class that has complicated totems
-druid hybrid class that is hard to master
- paladin kills slower

very hard classes

-warrior in vanilla wow warriors depend on good gear, and a s a newbee you won;t have it. Really tough class to fight multiple mobs at low lvl. slow class
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Re: New to WoW and Nostalrius

by Viorus » Thu Jun 04, 2015 1:34 pm

Welcome, you'll have tons of fun!

Pick the class that you think you'll enjoy the most. You'll easily learn as you go along. Remember that gear (equipment) is VERY important here and you need to try and get the stats that your class requires.
Viorin, 60 Night Elf Druid (USA), Knight-Champion

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Re: New to WoW and Nostalrius

by Mdmadam » Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:43 pm

Play what you want or you won't have fun. Keep trying different combos of race and class until you find what you like, don't rush the experience there's plenty of time to learn how to play.
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Re: New to WoW and Nostalrius

by Bioness » Thu Jun 04, 2015 4:44 pm

New to World of Warcraft and you are deciding to play vanilla?


And for those who claim "well millions of people played back in 2006", this isn't 2006 and today's gamers (in general) can't deal with the time investment and slow leveling pace. Expect to put in at least 300 hours before you get max level (as a new player) and that is if, IF you are reading guides on what to do.

I'd recommend Joana's Vanilla Leveling Guide, it is for speed leveling and experienced players so just follow it in terms of what zones to go, not so much doing each step exactly. Secondly, RESEARCH your class, as a new player don't worry about which race has the best abilities, pick one you like the look and feel of, then select a class that fits you. Since you are going to be spending a lot of time with your character, play a few to level 10 before making a final discision.

If you read through this much, I will tell you that the journey may be long and frustrating at times, but is also amazing, simply an experience to be had and I don't regret any part of my time spent during World of Warcraft.
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Re: New to WoW and Nostalrius

by Perdition » Thu Jun 04, 2015 8:06 pm

When I first started WoW back in the day, I was coming off of playing EverQuest, so I went with what I liked from that game: a druid. They are a classic jack of all trades, master of none class. They can do damage, they can heal, and they get different forms, including a travel form before other classes get a mount, so they are the easiest class for me to play.

That being said, my favorite WoW class is rogue and I tend to play dwarf rogues. When I go druid, I tend to play Night Elf.

But as in all things, figure out what you like and what class/race fit your personality. Playing someone else's favorite will tend to get boring or feel like a chore if you don't agree with their reasoning.

Re: New to WoW and Nostalrius

by Botanist » Thu Jun 04, 2015 8:40 pm

fuk off we're full
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Re: New to WoW and Nostalrius

by Membraniac » Fri Jun 05, 2015 2:23 am

Best to enjoy the feeling of being lost in the game and slowly learning things, figuring out where to go etc. Looking up what to do and rushing to max level cheapens the experience imo. A pet class will be easiest as others have mentioned.
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