Rule clarification on alt leveling.

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Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.

by Homer » Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:59 pm

But as I said it requires a certain level of education to be able to understand, not saying I think your stupid just basing it on anecdotal statistics of who has high enough levels of the required fields of knowledge.
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Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.

by Solmyr » Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:16 pm

Homer wrote:

But as I said it requires a certain level of education to be able to understand, not saying I think your stupid just basing it on anecdotal statistics of who has high enough levels of the required fields of knowledge.

I have read the document and fail to see its relevance to your claim. Even if the login server of Nostalrius uses SRP (something, which you have not proven yet), the source you provided says nothing about capacity restrictions of SRP servers, number of connections they can handle simultaneously and what effect could multiple simultaneous connections have on the server.

Something else - if you do wish to continue the argument about the login server, which is highly technical and perhaps of little interest to the average forum user, not to mention completely derailing this thread, you can also do so in PM.
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Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.

by Homer » Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:34 pm

That is exactly what I was trying to tell you, Not many people have the required education to understand it I am guessing you did not go through the formulas and how they relate to the other systems used in World of Warcraft?

Oh I mean I can get a link if you like but its common knowledge World of Warcraft use's SRP6. These are things you should know if your making comments about the strength of the login servers because you have just admitted you commented on the login servers strength when you did not even know what protocol it used....That is like guessing someones weight with no knowledge of gravity. (Yes I know metaphors are easy to debunk lets not focus on it, It's here in case you do not understand how terrible it was to comment without knowing the protocol)

Yea feel free to PST me if you want to learn about the protocols et cetera I got some spare time tonight.

But I do want to make it clear in this forum. You made something up with no knowledge of the subject based on one sentence that did not apply to the situation.
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Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.

by Solmyr » Fri Jun 05, 2015 2:19 pm

Why would I go through the formulas of a document that does not mention anything about the capacity restraints of the protocol to begin with. Had the document stated that there are/aren't capacity restraints on SRP protocols, I might've attempted to verify it by checking its formulas.

Another note - I fail to see why you are ignoring the fact that the login server's specifications are just as relevant to its capacity as its protocol. Unless you also have evidence about what kind of login server Nostalrius is using, proving something about the protocol alone would not prove your point.

Once again you finish your post with a grand, yet hasty and unproven, conclusion.
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Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.

by Homer » Fri Jun 05, 2015 2:31 pm

Solmyr wrote:But logging in and logging out are a strain to both the server and the player

Solmyr wrote:Even if the login server of Nostalrius uses SRP(something, which you have not proven yet),

You spoke of the capabilities of the server without even knowing of its protocol, anyone looking at this will know you were lying to prove your point. There is no need for me to comment to you any further, here is the facts for everyone to see, they can make the conclusion themselves does not matter what you or I think.
Last edited by Homer on Fri Jun 05, 2015 2:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.

by Solmyr » Fri Jun 05, 2015 2:35 pm

Yes, and you just ignored my question about the server's hardware restrictions, which means you have no idea about those. Hence your assertions that I am lying are a lie. Have a good day.
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Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.

by Homer » Fri Jun 05, 2015 2:38 pm

As I said I do not explain things to liars, I just expose them. If anyone would like to know the answer to aforementioned hardware question feel free to ask and I will happily answer :)
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