Shaman or paladin which one is the strongest [Debate]

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Re: Shaman or paladin which one is the strongest [Debate]

by Sham » Fri Jun 12, 2015 7:42 am

When it comes to heal and support in PvP, pally wins hands down. Between enchance and retri specs Id say it is close. Pally's biggest weakness - everyone can run from you easily. Shaman's biggest weakness - mana soaks dry really fast.

PvE - pally since they more mana efficient.
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Re: Shaman or paladin which one is the strongest [Debate]

by Kikeron » Fri Jun 12, 2015 7:59 am

As someone else said, shaman is offensive and pala is defensive. Shaman is about burst and pala is about sustainability. This. Buffs are superior to totems because of range, some totems are better for on demand mechanics (tremor, grounding) or further improve burst (WF). They are so different, you cannot actually compare them.
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