Fastest leveling class?

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Re: Fastest leveling class?

by BraBoyz » Fri Jun 12, 2015 10:48 am

nutte94 wrote:What is the best and fastest leveling class?

nutte94 wrote:I am currently lvling a warrior now

Well... how to tell you ...

Re: Fastest leveling class?

by Holmes » Fri Jun 12, 2015 11:38 am

warrior fastest levelling class confirmed
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Re: Fastest leveling class?

by kyubey » Fri Jun 12, 2015 2:30 pm

What about grinding classes? What should one roll for excessive farming?
Don't play cookie clicker.
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Re: Fastest leveling class?

by fish » Fri Jun 12, 2015 3:31 pm

Having played and lvld hunter, warlock, priest, rogue and now druid I gotta say druids are not bad at all if you know what you're doing. I won't argue they are faster than warlocks or hunters, but they are in the top for sure. Zero downtime, and using of the tiger items makes cat dps quite viable.

Re: Fastest leveling class?

by IAMSADWARVENS » Fri Jun 12, 2015 3:35 pm

As a mage when you are around level 30 you can start aoe farming, you can pull 8 mobs at once, spam blizzard on them and never die. Insane exp.

As a hunter you never die with your pet, which makes leveling really easy.
Iamsahunter: Level 60 Orc Hunter
Iamsawarlock: Level 31 Undead Warcock
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Re: Fastest leveling class?

by Bioness » Fri Jun 12, 2015 4:04 pm

nutte94 wrote:Is hunter hard to play? I understand that you have to tame new pets to learn new skills for your pet? Is hunter strong in wpvp and pvp? I am currently lvling a warrior now, should I switch to hunter?

With the nickname of "Huntard", I'll let you take a guess on how easy they are to play on a scale of Hunter - 10.

Hunters can literally gain experience when they afk if they afk near a mob spawn and have a pet on defensive. They are capable of killing high level mobs and elites far easier than any other class. They have traps and fiegn death. Sure they may not be gods at PvP or top DPS in PvE, but no other class can match their farming/grinding potential.

A Warrior without exception between equally skilled players will always be the slowest leveler and have the greatest difficulty taking on harder mobs. So you picked the exact opposite of what you were looking for. I will say this thoigh, DO NOT pick a class solely on how fast they level or else you may end up hating it when you get to 60.
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Re: Fastest leveling class?

by Lemmywinkz » Fri Jun 12, 2015 4:48 pm

friendlyracist wrote:
Holysymbol wrote:Hunter>Mage>Warlock

Proven time and time again.

Lol mages go oom after 2-4 mobs, Warlocks have no downtime + soulstone


Pally in front of Shammy, mage and rogue? Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
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Re: Fastest leveling class?

by nutte94 » Sat Jun 13, 2015 11:31 am

I just want a decent leveling class that doesn't die too often and is also decent late game at pvp. I will try hunter now

Re: Fastest leveling class?

by Lakweeta » Sat Jun 13, 2015 3:26 pm

nutte94 wrote:I just want a decent leveling class that doesn't die too often and is also decent late game at pvp. I will try hunter now

I say go Dwarf Priest :3.
I'm leveling one right now, rarely oom because Spirit Tap and Wand hits for 80-120 (Crits for like 160 o-o) because of Wand Spec. Level 42, 4 days 22h /played. c:


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