BG problem

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BG problem

by sunnyday » Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:30 pm


I'm starting this thread because I have a problem and don't know how to solve it.
Sometimes, when I join a battleground I have an issue of NOT seeing 1-2 bg members. Even though they are standing next to me, I don't see them (I get their /w, but can't see their /s or /y). If I try to target them via party/raid frames and buff them up, I get an 'target not in range' error. Summarizing - I cannot interact with such player (players). Reloading doesn't help, only way is to relog, but I read server issued some anti-ALT-F4 protection and gives away deserter debuffs for nothing. This includes me too.
Is there anything I can do, or am I forced not to help that player?

PS. The same issue happens when entering an instance. But in this case one simply re-enters instance and everything's back to normal.

Re: BG problem

by MattThePhat » Fri Jun 19, 2015 4:18 am

I'm not having this issue so I can't say this works. What I might try is exiting the game without camping. IE clicking the "X" on the top right if you are playing in windowed mode or control/alt/delete and then quickly restart the game client and log back into that same character. It should keep you in the BG and will be a way to reload, from your computer's aspect anyway. Depending on the cause this could work. Try it out.
Metalheart - Human Warrior

Re: BG problem

by Yasko » Fri Jun 19, 2015 4:58 am

MattThePhat wrote:I'm not having this issue so I can't say this works. What I might try is exiting the game without camping. IE clicking the "X" on the top right if you are playing in windowed mode or control/alt/delete and then quickly restart the game client and log back into that same character. It should keep you in the BG and will be a way to reload, from your computer's aspect anyway. Depending on the cause this could work. Try it out.

I think a simple "/reload" ingame will so the same.
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Re: BG problem

by Busdriverx » Fri Jun 19, 2015 5:28 am

Yeah it happens sometimes, and it goes away after they've died once
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Re: BG problem

by Sylvant » Fri Jun 19, 2015 10:05 am

I havent had this in BG's, but i had in dungeons, where i can simply reenter the instance to fix. It happens when players enter instance while my PC still loading(to enter inside) and i wont be able to see those players. That is why i always make sure there is none around that will go in while its loading. Generally its caused by slow loading speed. In bg's sometimes ill get an addon flaw, so i did use alt+f4 to fix my UI and never had deserter or other issues. /reload command wont help you. I've seen this bug in other servers, where it have been fixed successfully.

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