Blacksmithing specialization

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Blacksmithing specialization

by osmoZ » Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:24 pm

Hi everyone,

As a level 40 warrior, and doing Blacksmithing for the first time on Vanilla, I was wondering which specialization is actually the best to take (Armorsmith / Weaponsmith).
I'm actually fury, but I don't know which spec I'll play till I reach 60...

Weapons are very important as a warrior, but once we have a good one, the Weaponsmith becomes useless, no ?
On the contrary, there are a lot of slots for armors, so it could be more interesting ?

Listening to any advice you could give :)
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Re: Blacksmithing specialization

by Xylon666Darkstar » Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:05 pm

Weapons from weaponsmith are replaceable quickly from pvp/raiding. On upside, they do sell.

Armorsmithing supplements plate users w/gear to get through raids (also replaceable). Some BiS/situationally stellar/PVP hot gear comes from armorsmithing. Almost all of it requires rep grinding and/or generally only get from high end raiding/world bosses + luck.
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Re: Blacksmithing specialization

by Cece » Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:18 pm

In my opinion weaponsmithing is useless, at least back in the day of Vanilla WoW it was. Like, there was only one spec that warriors could use to get into raids (protection) as they were the only viable tanks really.

Armorsmithing lets you create equipment on your own, after the recipes have been collected with rep-grinding, that usually involved killing mobs that would spawn in a certain area.
So yeah, go with protection and specialize in armorsmithing.
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Re: Blacksmithing specialization

by Xylon666Darkstar » Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:31 pm

Weaponsmith is pretty useless, unless you want to make money off it. In Vanilla at the endgame though, it is useless for yourself from a long-term gear standpoint compared to Armorsmithing.

This changes in TBC.
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Re: Blacksmithing specialization

by MattThePhat » Fri Jun 19, 2015 3:40 am

On a side note: If you choose one specialization you can never change. You can not drop Blacksmithing all together, pick blacksmithing up again, level it back up and choose the opposite specialization. You're stuck for good. Armor smith, as said above, is going to be the best choice if you are looking for absolute end game blacksmithing. Weapon smith is only good for weapons to start raiding and armor smith will actually give you gear you will hold on to a bit longer. Weapon smith has the easier (cheaper) quest and also pays off quickly when you reach 60. A lot of fresh 60s want a weapon right away. The PvP crowd, anyway.
Metalheart - Human Warrior

Re: Blacksmithing specialization

by osmoZ » Fri Jun 19, 2015 6:51 am

Well, thanks a lot guys !

I'll go on Armorsmith then :D
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Re: Blacksmithing specialization

by caesars » Fri Jun 19, 2015 5:08 pm

can you switch hammer,axe,sword smith when you drop BS?
it also says theres a book to remove specialization for ENG, does it work for BS?

Re: Blacksmithing specialization

by Xylon666Darkstar » Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:29 pm

caesars wrote:can you switch hammer,axe,sword smith when you drop BS?
it also says theres a book to remove specialization for ENG, does it work for BS?

Not in vanilla, no. Until a future client patch (I forget which), you're stuck with the decision you made for that character permanently. Whether you drop BS and lvl it up all over again or not.
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Re: Blacksmithing specialization

by Aggronaught » Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:24 pm

Neither aren't bad, neither is special. As armour smith you only get truesilver gloves/chest option, as weaponsmitt you get the 1h sword. Apart from these rest of specialized benefits come from recipes that are drops. If you're looking to make money, you need the rarer recipes, and weapon smiths are just more in demand for that. At the end of the day, pick which ever one you like, there aren't any bop craftables worth speccing one or the other.
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