Which of the factions has it better?

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Which of the factions has it better?

by Yoav » Mon Jun 22, 2015 6:42 am

I need some advice, which faction has it better PvE and PvP wise? I've already leveled 2 characters to levels 32 and 26 on one faction and im considering to reroll to the other one.
Im glad to see there's some old school faction pride but im really looking for an objective answer and not "(my faction) is awsome and wins every BG, (the other faction) can go f*ck itself"

Re: Which of the factions has it better?

by Krom » Mon Jun 22, 2015 8:24 am

Horde is awsome and wins every BG, Alliance can go f*ck itself
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Re: Which of the factions has it better?

by DrearyYew » Mon Jun 22, 2015 9:00 am

Alliance tend to be PvE focused, and Horde tend to be PvP focused due to racials.

It doesn't matter too much in BGs, PuG v PuG is a shitshow that Horde tend to win. Alliance pre-made BG more often than Horde do, so it kinda evens out.

Horde seem to dominate WPvP since their Queues are so long they are forced to find their Honor elsewhere. Alliance have instant queues in BGs.

Pick your poison.
Dreary - Human "Needs No Mana" Holy Paladin
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Re: Which of the factions has it better?

by kiklion » Mon Jun 22, 2015 4:58 pm

Leveling as horde will probably be easier. I find their quests were more complete and flowed better from one to another. Also I found more horde ganking than alliance.

PvP wise horde wins in Pug vs Pug as they have better racials and shamans are fairly powerful offensively which favors unorganized fights.

It becomes a lot closer organized vs organized as Paladins work better as a support class than shamans do which has a bigger impact when the people you are supporting are worth their salt. Some people think the paladin vs shaman difference is enough to offset the weaker racials and others disagree.

PvE wise alliance are more powerful than horde in every venue except for a few niche fights like huhuran and maybe chromagus (though paladins dispelling 1 magic/disease/poison with one global is also haxx like totems doing it passively). Mainly, fury warriors can be the top DPS spec in any fight that doesn't just shit on melee. However they are limited by threat. Blessing of Salvation makes this a lot easier for the fury warriors. Horde can try to give their MT more threat through windfury but it doesn't come close to the power of blessing of salvation.

Forgot to mention fearward which practically nullifies certain mechanics. If a fight's fear effect is on a 30 second CD then a warrior can stance dance every fear, but this puts them in zerker stance for a global which #1 makes them lose all but 0-25 rage depending on spec, #2 zerker stance they take +10% damage compared to -10% from defensive stance, #3 wastes a global or two depending on lag. The loss of rage and globals hurts their threat even more while they still don't have blessing of salvation.

Re: Which of the factions has it better?

by fredaaay » Mon Jun 22, 2015 5:06 pm


Re: Which of the factions has it better?

by Yoav » Mon Jun 22, 2015 10:32 pm

Thank you for the detailed responses! I guess ill be sticking with Alliance for now

Re: Which of the factions has it better?

by Zygoth » Tue Jun 23, 2015 1:07 pm

Could someone explain to me why I keep hearing that Horde has better racials? WotF is great an all, but it's not *that* big of a deal. Perception, Stoneform, Fear ward, Shadowmeld, and Escape Artist can all be really useful in various situations.

Re: Which of the factions has it better?

by Krom » Tue Jun 23, 2015 2:05 pm

Because Alliance find perfectly reasonable to justify their losses on one normal racial specific to one very individual Horde race, while every battleground is PALADINS festival.

Paladin ; [noun]

Warrior with 5 seconds stuns, cc spell removal and minimum 3 full health bars per encounter ( original health bar >> Invincible bubble, heal to max >> Lay on Hands = u mad ).

IMO, neither Horde or Alliance is obviously best at Vanilla PVP ; the answer is to be found from the base of players. Somehow, 2004 Hordies were generally better than 2004 Allies on the topic. Simple hazard ? Maybe yes, maybe not.

But since this day, every new player is told and every ancient player should know as common knowledge to roll on Horde for PVP or Alliance for PVE, where he can find a communauty more matched with his interests.
Leading in better Hordies PVP'ters.

Quod erat demonstrandum.
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Re: Which of the factions has it better?

by Setup » Tue Jun 23, 2015 3:34 pm

Zygoth wrote:Could someone explain to me why I keep hearing that Horde has better racials?

If the answer to this isn't obvious, then you're a scrub noob who's never been worth a damn at pvp. That or you're a moron. (or both!)

Take it from someone with over 3,000 vanilla hours on EACH faction, horde racials are far and away superior for pvp. The general reason is because alliance racials are pve oriented, or are too niche compared to horde racials that have broad applicable use (ie AOE stun, removing hard CC from several classes, etc.)

Spend 50 seconds in a CC that a third of the classes in the game can use, then come back and tell me about how cool it is that you have slightly better stealth detection for a short time to help you vs. one class occasionally.
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