Can someone point me towards a good Herbalism/Alchemy addon?

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Can someone point me towards a good Herbalism/Alchemy addon?

by darkowin » Sun Jun 21, 2015 7:23 pm

I'm looking for an addon which tracks where herbs i've gotten are and tracks their patterns on the map. Anything related to herbalism would be useful. I scoured a lot of sources and simply could not find what I was looking for.
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Re: Can someone point me towards a good Herbalism/Alchemy ad

by HighGuy » Mon Jun 22, 2015 12:59 am

Cartographer has a built in feature to track herb and mining nodes. Otherwise Gatherer/GatherMate
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Re: Can someone point me towards a good Herbalism/Alchemy ad

by Wraith§Reaver » Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:09 pm

HighGuy wrote:Cartographer has a built in feature to track herb and mining nodes. Otherwise Gatherer/GatherMate

I use and recommend Carthographer over Gatherer, since it's lighter and do not delay the opening the map as the second does (very annoying).
Also, if you have the patience to build your personal Carthographer database by simply looting nodes, (without having one prepackaged as Gatherer has), you are sure that all of your herb/mine nodes have chance to spawn the resource related, and will not be "ghost spawns".
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