Latency lowering tunnels, vpns etc.

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Latency lowering tunnels, vpns etc.

by Mahuiztaccihuatl » Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:43 pm

Hi guys,

Just wondering if anyone has any lowerping/wtfast type services set up, free or otherwise?

Re: Latency lowering tunnels, vpns etc.

by stefeman » Tue Jun 23, 2015 12:21 pm

wtffuck free version is uselss, and lowerping makes you lose packets since their servers are saturated.

But overall it depends where you live. If you are from Oceania regions, (New Guinea, Singapore, Philip.. etc,) your routing is generally horrible.. In this situation, what the lowerping/wtffast does, it tunnels your internet via their own servers that have stradegic peering, thus changes your peering route and perheaps shortens the distance from your home to the target location. So instead of your ISP choosing to put you via saturated route A through australia to the france as they detect where you are connecting, wtffast/lowerping in the other hand have server in singapore and this datacenter may take Route B instead along with your connection.

If you are in western world, EU/USA the amount of benefit you may gain is from 2 to 15 ms (Generally under 5) since all providers in these areas are Multi-homed at least via 2 or more cabels, while your local ISP in Papua New Guinea might be relient on only 1 or 2 routes initially. For reference, check network tiers and peering.

TL:DR If youre from third world country or from ASIA/South America with bad peering to world, it usually does help assuming that the tunneling provider can meet his end by offering alternative (and faster) routes for the data to connect. (i.e. making your connection to go via israel than saturated egypt link as you connect to europe.)

Re: Latency lowering tunnels, vpns etc.

by Kaytie » Tue Jun 23, 2015 1:47 pm

I use PingZapper from Australia. It ok. 400ms > 330-350

Re: Latency lowering tunnels, vpns etc.

by Norjak » Tue Jun 23, 2015 4:05 pm

Mahuiztaccihuatl wrote:Just wondering if anyone has any lowerping/wtfast type services set up, free or otherwise?

I've used them on retail. They should work the same way for a private server, except the tunnel termination point won't be as close to the game server. You won't know unless you try (individual results can vary depending on many factors.)
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Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Latency lowering tunnels, vpns etc.

by Xylon666Darkstar » Tue Jun 23, 2015 6:10 pm

You'd be wasting your time.
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