The people who suck ass at the AH (H)

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Re: The people who suck ass at the AH (H)

by Talryx » Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:12 pm

norm964bgb wrote:What do you think happens, when 1200 people are level 60 and the other 6000 players are leveling. There is a HUGE amount of lower level herbs and leathers on the market. Its FLOODING it. Therefore there is nothing wrong, that is to be expected with such an amount of players...

1.) I would think that retail, back in the old days of original pre-BC wow, always had way more characters leveling than maxed characters. So your suggestion that the issue is too many people leveling compared to a smaller number of people maxed, makes little sense. That is... always how it was as far as I recall. Many people never hit 40 let alone 60.

2.) There is another big issue with the logic of what you said... let's see, who needs low level materials, do you think it's the low level characters, who can actually use stuff made out of low level mats, and are just starting to level up their professions? Or is it the maxed-out characters, who have NO USE for low level items, and have very likely leveled their profession way past the point of being able to gain profession exp by crafting with low level materials? You tell me.

No dude, there actually IS a problem with the auction house. It may just be that people are so used to retail, the shock of how much less money you have in vanilla is making them act like cheap asses.

It could also be that while back in the day, some people with retail were getting lazy and wanted to just buy stuff rather than spending any time getting it themselves (these are one segment of the douche bags who blizzard destroyed the game to appease btw) - most of the people on Nost are specifically after that old-school harder experience.
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Re: The people who suck ass at the AH (H)

by riq and snog » Tue Jun 30, 2015 8:40 pm

I figured a long time ago that ah prices will get fucked with this pop... basicly i bought my epic mount on my main and then worked my ass off to be self supplying anything i need.
I have multiple farm chars, every prof maxed and collect all recipe available...
If i need something i get it myself, multiple 45 chars for transmutes, pots grenades enchants, lockboxes u name it. Every once in a while i sell stuff to be able to respec or repair, n thats it.
riq and snog
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: The people who suck ass at the AH (H)

by Aten » Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:13 am

Talryx wrote:
norm964bgb wrote:What do you think happens, when 1200 people are level 60 and the other 6000 players are leveling. There is a HUGE amount of lower level herbs and leathers on the market. Its FLOODING it. Therefore there is nothing wrong, that is to be expected with such an amount of players...

1.) I would think that retail, back in the old days of original pre-BC wow, always had way more characters leveling than maxed characters. So your suggestion that the issue is too many people leveling compared to a smaller number of people maxed, makes little sense. That is... always how it was as far as I recall. Many people never hit 40 let alone 60.

2.) There is another big issue with the logic of what you said... let's see, who needs low level materials, do you think it's the low level characters, who can actually use stuff made out of low level mats, and are just starting to level up their professions? Or is it the maxed-out characters, who have NO USE for low level items, and have very likely leveled their profession way past the point of being able to gain profession exp by crafting with low level materials? You tell me.

No dude, there actually IS a problem with the auction house. It may just be that people are so used to retail, the shock of how much less money you have in vanilla is making them act like cheap asses.

It could also be that while back in the day, some people with retail were getting lazy and wanted to just buy stuff rather than spending any time getting it themselves (these are one segment of the douche bags who blizzard destroyed the game to appease btw) - most of the people on Nost are specifically after that old-school harder experience.

You are an idiot.


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