PvP (alliance)

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

PvP (alliance)

by Lompcent » Sun Jul 05, 2015 12:58 pm

Hey fellow Nostalrius people, anyone else tired of the pvp on this server? I don't mean world pvp i have nothing against that, tho it can be frustrating if it happens to you alot. Lower level pvp never seems to get full for fights and if they are they are mostly twinked. ( not complaining i like low lvl pvp and am thinking about twinking myself)
But the biggest joke is lvl 60 pvp. i have never seen an balanced game. most of the times without premades horde just steamrolls over the alliance, and if thats not the case then its directly the opposite. still over 3/0 and very quickly. And all the afkers at lvl 60 non premade pvp :( every single game about 4/5 people go instantly hide and afk at the start, and then complain in trade chats about how much the alliance sucks in pvp -.-

I know you guys will say its easy join a premade, but id say for the premades my gear is not that super atm and i dont have TS yet either. but even so there should atleast be some more even games:O But that aside what annoys me the most still si all those damned afkers from the start every single time :| i dont see any report function in the bg for it either in vanilla :/ might as well roll horde if i want to have a chance to win a pug
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