Hey everyone.
I always loved vanilla and I basically stopped playing any video games after the end of Sunwell (and the release of Wotlk - the first nail in the coffin of WoW) - the only thing that I really want to do is relive my fun vanilla experiences.. Over the years I've tried Warsong (just lol.), Emerald Dream (basically Warsong with 1x exp), all the Feenix fails.. And I was majorly disappointed. I still don't see why any self respecting player would stay on this server. It's almost as bad as that movie with the absurdly boring chick and the vampire/werewolf gay couple. Anyway..
Recently I spent some time on Vengeance of Azeroth and I tought they did pretty good job on quest scripting and the instances I've been in (ZF was perfectly scripted). But this server was never meant to be, devs have no actual idea what they are doing and they just gave up (smartest thing to do.. better give up early before getting crushed by two large upcomming servers..).
I played on old Kronos and I know what they are doing and how they are doing it. I'm conviced they'll do a perfect job. BUT there is something about Nostalrius. I like the dedication I like the spirit. I DON'T like the people who keep slamming Kronos (or the people who keep slamming Nostalrius on their forums tbh), but hey life is not perfect.
So anyway - Nostalrius is single project (no TBC/Wotlk etc realms as distaction), staff seems dedicated enough, and I guess I just want to try something brand new.. That can hopefully bring me back to my memories of joyful Thaddius fights (fuck this guy), endless ZG farms (gief enchants) and priests mind controlling people into jumping in BRM lava (but who does that really..).
Appologies for the long post, just wanted to share my feeling and say hi! You got yourself a new player, see ya ingame!
- Toshey
(gonna be Theodora - Night elf hunter OR Bellamy - Night elf hunter )