by fubudis » Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:46 pm
I think there are four main reasons to play Vanilla over retail:
1) There's something way more satisfying about leveling. Instead of slapping on fully enchanted BOAs and soloing dungeons through level 40 (all of this taking <4 hours), I actually have to focus on killing each mob with some degree of precision and resource efficiency. When you DO level, you earn a single talent point which is significantly more satisfying than the 15 level gaps between talents in retail (IMO)
1a) For some reason I like the old questing model better. The quest paths aren't directly handed to you 100% of the time and requires some exploration. To this day I still find quests I didn't know existed in Vanilla.
2) Revisiting old content. I didn't really mind cataclysm, but the fact that they changed and dumbed down all of the leveling dungeons REALLY bugged me. Deadmines and Wailing Caverns specifically were works of art, in my opinion. Cataclysm just turned them into a boring straight shot through while halving their size. I'm sure other's feel similarly about some of the old zones. I look forward to visiting Thousand Needles without the bullshit water.
2a) Raids are also an obvious allure I'm sure. The nostalgia of 40 man Molten Core s probably a big factor for most considering retail raiding is more of a farming session than true progression.
3) PVP. PVP isn't balanced at all in Vanilla. The interface is suboptimal for PVP, the gear isn't scaled for PVP, and certain classes are disgustingly overpowered. But even with all of its flaws, Vanilla brought a sense of epicness with the extensive world PVP and disgustingly long AVs that no longer happen on retail.
4) Community. I think this was the biggest factor for me. I remember in Vanilla naturally making tons of eFreinds, networking, leveling with, and helping other people. For some reason that was lost, perhaps with the implementation of the dungeon finding system. I was skeptical at first when I rolled on Nostalrius if the Vanilla type social component would still be a thing, but to my surprise it is. I immediately found an active, helpful guild. My friends list is filling up. People will stop and help you with a mob, throw you a buff, or toss you a heal without being asked. Leveling zones are actually populated. Groups form and players are cordial (for the most part) for dungeons and difficult world quests. I can't really explain it but there's a sense of comradery in Vanilla that you just don't find in retail these days. It's not about blasting to level cap in under a day, it's about the adventure getting there.
In summary, Vanilla isn't mechanically balanced, it's hard, it's frustrating, and it's slow, but I think that's what makes it so much more rewarding.
Just my two cents. Maybe I'm just drinking the koolaid or wearing some rose-tinted glasses, but after delving into every expansion (Except MoP) to the fullest, I just prefer older content I guess.