Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

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Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by joeshmoe » Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:52 am

My 2-3 hours I get to play every other day are made up of about 75% corpse run and 25% questing. There are never ANY griffon masters alive to fly anywhere. 60's roam sub lvl55 zones in squads ganking lowbies and then camping them for 30+min. People in my level range roam in full groups and red is dead. Meanwhile theres 4 ally total questing in the zone. Of course the wait till you are fighting mobs to spring a gank is my fav show of skill.

Gaining levels has come to a crawl. 10hours spent on this last level. That is just ridiculous. Hey alliance who are in STV and think its bad just wait for this exciting shit.

/bravo most pathetic community ever. It is what you make it, and you people make it shit.

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by OGTUCKER117 » Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:55 am

Maybe your shit.
Ask your premades at level 60 to come help you.
Its a problem on your factions end, not ours
And I hit 60 at 19 days played btw so qq moar
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by azreal3133 » Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:56 am

As a 60 alliance player I kill every single horde player I come across gray or not, I learned the hard way that if you let one live, two will come 5 minutes later and camp you.
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by provaporizer » Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:57 am

Just re roll horde, everyone else is. Best part is when it's all horde then the people camping you will have to reroll ally if they want to kill anyone.

Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by azreal3133 » Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:58 am

provaporizer wrote:Just re roll horde, everyone else is. Best part is when it's all horde then the people camping you will have to reroll ally if they want to kill anyone.

^ Don't do this ^ then you're just becoming part of the problem, that shit happened to Archangel on Peenix and completely ruined the server, all the Alliance there just quit because everyone kept rolling horde, its a vicious cycle that only ends by dealing with the harshness of playing against a big force of enemies, Alliance has its perks despite being the smaller faction though.
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by Corazon » Mon Apr 27, 2015 5:03 am

azreal3133 wrote: ^ Don't do this ^ then you're just becoming part of the problem, that shit happened to Archangel on Peenix and completely ruined the server, all the Alliance there just quit because everyone kept rolling horde, its a vicious cycle that only ends by dealing with the harshness of playing against a big force of enemies, Alliance has its perks despite being the smaller faction though.

Wrong. Inbred cumstains like OGTucker are what ruined that server, and history tends to repeat itself when it comes to stupid people.
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by azreal3133 » Mon Apr 27, 2015 5:11 am

Corazon wrote:
azreal3133 wrote: ^ Don't do this ^ then you're just becoming part of the problem, that shit happened to Archangel on Peenix and completely ruined the server, all the Alliance there just quit because everyone kept rolling horde, its a vicious cycle that only ends by dealing with the harshness of playing against a big force of enemies, Alliance has its perks despite being the smaller faction though.

Wrong. Inbred cumstains like OGTucker are what ruined that server, and history tends to repeat itself when it comes to stupid people.

I realise that retards like OGTucker are the problem, but you help nobody by rerolling Horde, all you do is push the server more and more to an only Horde server and literally nobody wants that to happen.
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by azreal3133 » Mon Apr 27, 2015 5:13 am

OGTUCKER117 wrote:Maybe your shit.
Ask your premades at level 60 to come help you.
Its a problem on your factions end, not ours
And I hit 60 at 19 days played btw so qq moar

Can you kill yourself yet? You're the most retarded player on this entire server, not only are you terrible but you act like you're not and it just makes you look like a pathetic fag, literally nobody likes you, the Horde doesn't like you, the Alliance doesn't like you, the GMs don't like you, why can't you take the hint and either leave or shut your stupid mouth from spewing verbal and written diarreah everywhere you go.
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by OGTUCKER117 » Mon Apr 27, 2015 5:20 am

azreal3133 wrote:
OGTUCKER117 wrote:Maybe your shit.
Ask your premades at level 60 to come help you.
Its a problem on your factions end, not ours
And I hit 60 at 19 days played btw so qq moar

Can you kill yourself yet? You're the most retarded player on this entire server, not only are you terrible but you act like you're not and it just makes you look like a pathetic fag, literally nobody likes you, the Horde doesn't like you, the Alliance doesn't like you, the GMs don't like you, why can't you take the hint and either leave or shut your stupid mouth from spewing verbal and written diarreah everywhere you go.

you are trash kid dont talk to me.
and sure not everybody likes me and I dont want everybody to like me(especially not alliance) but for you to say everybody on horde doesnt like me is incorrect. I understand that I am better then you but no need to be so upset.
Dont hate the playa hate the game
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Re: Leveling Ally 47+ is a joke

by SloppyBeaver » Mon Apr 27, 2015 5:33 am

OGTUCKER i don't think anyone likes you. In fact I have never come across a forum thread that you were not insulting someone. You're the biggest troll on this forum.

Wait...you dont have to reply I know your respenose.. "gg qq more huehue alliance scum, get camped nub"
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