The toxicity here kinda surprised me too, to be honest.
First of all I played on Kronos before, where the maturity is a bit higher. But low pop so I swapped to nost.
Many people here, and I am one of them, complain about the current situation.
It is very frustrating to try level when the horde players have a nice working system to make it extremely painful.
And horde players who argue against it are really annoying, ofc they dont understand how it is to get corpse ganked while trying to take boat, trying to take a quest, and where ever you, what ever time you try, it doesnt get better.
The few 60's we have rather chill in ironforge with their instant queue and asking for help in world chat gets mocked. People mock you for asking for help in world chat.
It's clearly many childish players here, on both sides. But no thread in the world can change it, im sorry.
Ether accept it and fucking grind it out, or swap server.
And NO this experience is not even "almost" blizzlike. This situation is NOTHING like it was back in retail. I played on several servers up to 60, so I know what Im talking about. You could play on server times when normal people sleep,

and the balance was better, horde/ally ratio. Putting ganking in system, exploiting bugs like gadgetzan roof didnt work out in retail. My friend for example did that, and got warned from GM they would ban his account if he didnt stop it.
Here on nost, the staff dont give a shit, the server is overpopulated, the ratio sucks, did I mention many players are rude and childish so asking for help will piss you off rather than get acctual help from the 60s flexing in ironforge?
I tried for an entire day to play and where ever I went there's no way I could do quests or survive while grinding.
My tip to Alliance, look around for lower populated servers if you cant handle it.
If u got the patience to get 60 , do it now and insta QUE for several weeks. Good times are comming.
And my final words, for all hordes who are running around in blasted lands, felwood, ungoro and other zones, killing easy preys trying to level up. Burn in hell, ur a disgrace to this server. If u had some values at all you would leave lowbies alone for a while and focus on gearing up in dungeons, farming gold. Pathetic losers