by Umbassa » Sun May 03, 2015 10:24 am
"You don't want that"
You're right, getting a group together through trade chat was inconvenient.
But you know what is also inconvenient? Grouping up with a bunch of retards with no personal accountability or incentive to collaborate other than to get their daily fix of justice points.
I don't like spamming trade for a tank, you are absolutely and one-hundred percent fucking correct sir.
I also don't like paying your smarmy ass to be both a shut-in ingame and in real life.
There's a reason that private servers are still in the picture, and it's because WoW is a fundamentally different game right now from what it was back in the day.
I think somewhere along the line you forgot what an MMO is supposed to be, that is what is wrong with what WoW has become and that's not the nostalgia punchbowl talking.
A twitter button?
Sitting in your garrison, idly droning away at a mini-game waiting for your next que... to team up and interact with a group of people who couldn't give less of a fuck about you...
Shit, this isn't an MMO anymore. This is an overglorified facebook app.
Umbassa - lvl 30 Night Elf Rogue
"'Tis by the blade that we are are free men, and it is by adversity that we are brothers."