Curious about ganking

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Curious about ganking

by Tollon » Sat May 02, 2015 9:29 am

I am curious about how Alliance side experience the ganking on this server.

For me as a relatively low level Horde player (around level 30), I get ganked all the time.
But the strange thing is - I have NEVER ever (in 50+ open World gank Deaths) get ganked by an Alliance player alone, that is in my own level range.

ALWAYS, Always they are level ?? or several players in a gank squad (or sometimes even level ?? gank squads). If I see Alliance players that are my own level or 2-3 levels above, they just run past me and never engage...

This is no whining post, it's Life on a pvp server, I know and accept that. I am just curious if this is just as common for Alliance players?
Cause I myself, seldom see high level Horde's running around ganking lowbies in zones way below their level range, but I see plenty of Alliance players doing just that (and nothing BUT that for hours straight).

It would be fun to have a single World encounter where I dont get one-shotted by players 10+ levels above me, outnumbered 3 to 1, engaged while fighting a quest mob etc etc.
That just never seem to happen tho. If the odds aren't stacked in their favor, Alliances just dont seem to be willing to engage at all in open World pvp... It's such a shame really since pvp can be so much fun when skill comes into play...

So, is this phenomenon common for both sides guys?

Re: Curious about ganking

by Fleming » Sat May 02, 2015 9:30 am

Seems like it's common on both sides yeah

Re: Curious about ganking

by Xylon666Darkstar » Sat May 02, 2015 9:46 am

Seems like PVP in the world happens to both sides on a PVP server.
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Re: Curious about ganking

by pakao » Sat May 02, 2015 10:15 am

im acting like a peacemaker here while lvl 60 just destroyed me and ganked me 5 times in winterspring, literally.

so fuck you alliance, im not defending you anymore :lol:
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Re: Curious about ganking

by noaireirei » Sat May 02, 2015 10:20 am

This happens to everyone on both factions. And as we all know; there is no moral in PvP. The moral is all in your head. It is killed or get killed. End of story.

Re: Curious about ganking

by JackBoosh » Sat May 02, 2015 10:40 am

Tollon wrote:Cause I myself, seldom see high level Horde's running around ganking lowbies in zones way below their level range, but I see plenty of Alliance players doing just that (and nothing BUT that for hours straight).

Im sorry but no, I don't think there's been a single zone after Westfall where I haven't been killed by someone who appears ?? level to me.

So to answer your question yes it's extremely common to be ganked by someone much higher than you when playing Alliance.

Re: Curious about ganking

by Xef » Sat May 02, 2015 11:50 am

I'm sure it's the same on both sides, but yes, this server's full of absolute wiener's.

I've been killed, same as everybody else, loads of times whilst levelling, but not once have the odds been anything but heavily on the gankers favour. It's like people go through some sort of a check list of "is he low hp? low mana? killing at least 1 mob? green or gray lvl to me?", and if the answer's 'no' to all of them, it's "let's pretend I think this is a pve server and that we're best friends"- time. Otherwise it's "let's pwn and show them who's boss and pat myself on the back IRL for a job well done".

Best was when I was killed by a mage who was 8 lvls higher than me. After I'd died, he saw a warrior who was around a corner and the exact same lvl he was. What did the mage do? He quickly poly'd the warrior and blinked away...? The warrior wasn't even going to do anything as he was busy killing a mob. Oh well...

Re: Curious about ganking

by l33tplaya97 » Sat May 02, 2015 4:40 pm

it happens on both sides, the difference is alliance cries on the forums about it
im the best

Re: Curious about ganking

by Jackyy » Sat May 02, 2015 6:42 pm

horde kills me in hinterlands?

i kill 10 horde per death in hillsbrad foothills.

simple mathematics.

so the horde punishes their own faction with ganking.
The one true king is comming for them all!


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Re: Curious about ganking

by Membraniac » Sat May 02, 2015 6:55 pm

As level 41 horde I find that I typically get into small scuffles with small numbers of alliance members at least around my level. The other day I got mobbed by 4 level 32-35s that actually camped me until I logged funny enough. I think I've only been killed by skulls once or twice and only in Hillsbrad, except yesterday I was camped until logoff, waited 10 minutes came back and was still being camped at the inn/FP of the horde town in the cliffs of 1k needles by a ?? rogue. I just took the spirit rez and logged again, took me closer to where I needed to be anyway, though I was initially planning to make my way to STV, which I gave up on.

As for myself, it depends on my mood. Directly after I get ganked, I take it out on whoever I can until I feel better. Sometimes I'll jump on peoples corpses or laugh. Spitting is too rude unless the person killed me first. I recently got my first pvp rank and it was very exciting, but I'll admit that a good few of those were players a level or two under me fighting some mob or small pack. But the only corpse camping I do is continually kill alliance farming the same mobs as me when I'm in one of my moods or there aren't enough mobs to share.
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