I am curious about how Alliance side experience the ganking on this server.
For me as a relatively low level Horde player (around level 30), I get ganked all the time.
But the strange thing is - I have NEVER ever (in 50+ open World gank Deaths) get ganked by an Alliance player alone, that is in my own level range.
ALWAYS, Always they are level ?? or several players in a gank squad (or sometimes even level ?? gank squads). If I see Alliance players that are my own level or 2-3 levels above, they just run past me and never engage...
This is no whining post, it's Life on a pvp server, I know and accept that. I am just curious if this is just as common for Alliance players?
Cause I myself, seldom see high level Horde's running around ganking lowbies in zones way below their level range, but I see plenty of Alliance players doing just that (and nothing BUT that for hours straight).
It would be fun to have a single World encounter where I dont get one-shotted by players 10+ levels above me, outnumbered 3 to 1, engaged while fighting a quest mob etc etc.
That just never seem to happen tho. If the odds aren't stacked in their favor, Alliances just dont seem to be willing to engage at all in open World pvp... It's such a shame really since pvp can be so much fun when skill comes into play...
So, is this phenomenon common for both sides guys?