Wall Jumping to Ukorz Sandscalp

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Wall Jumping to Ukorz Sandscalp

by Stalk » Tue May 05, 2015 4:04 pm

There is a way that a player can skip to the final boss in Zul Farrak without completing the stair event. Is this considered an exploit? I have found a few sources alluding to the possibility of doing this on live retail servers.

User Tiandrah states "Sorry for reviving an old thread, but this is still a bug. I joined an in-progress ZF only to find all bosses dead except last, with the gate tightly shut. Have no idea how they did it. Blizz, if you are going to keep the flavor of the event for old times' sake, at least allow the walls to be jumped over like before. There is simply no way to finish the instance, and the problem is perpetuated, until the leader disbands the group like I did. "

http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/world-o ... ation.html
"I went up to the last boss without opening the gate (couldnt attack him tohugh )
I did this by wall jumping (look arrows)."
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Re: Wall Jumping to Ukorz Sandscalp

by Norjak » Tue May 05, 2015 4:32 pm

Stair event is pretty easy to do on Nost. Why would you need to wall-jump? (Yes, it is possible)
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Re: Wall Jumping to Ukorz Sandscalp

by Stalk » Wed May 06, 2015 2:04 pm

I understand that it is possible. I just want to know if it is bannable even though it was done on retail without repercussions.
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Re: Wall Jumping to Ukorz Sandscalp

by Viper » Wed May 06, 2015 2:16 pm

E - Permanent ban.: Most serious sanction. Permanent bans are rare but definitive. This sanction is applied in case of multiple violations of the rules, or after multiple account interruption, as well as any of the following:



Quote from Term of Use.
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Re: Wall Jumping to Ukorz Sandscalp

by holkan » Wed May 06, 2015 2:20 pm

so wall jumping gets you banned now? does that include getting on top of gadgetzan or anywhere in the world or cause its in an instance?

Re: Wall Jumping to Ukorz Sandscalp

by g0dl1k3 » Wed May 06, 2015 2:29 pm

lol what? thats not hacking.
its literally doing a few jumps, I think google translate must have messed up for him
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Re: Wall Jumping to Ukorz Sandscalp

by Scamp » Wed May 06, 2015 3:56 pm

Walljumping to gain an advantage is exploiting (Which is clearly not allowed) But I remember reading a mod somewhere saying "exploration" is allowed (aka jumping up on the roof at goldshire for the lulz)

It's a different story when getting to that place gives you an advantage.
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Re: Wall Jumping to Ukorz Sandscalp

by Alexpulos » Wed May 06, 2015 4:17 pm

Yet we allow safe spotting...
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Re: Wall Jumping to Ukorz Sandscalp

by Youfie » Wed May 06, 2015 4:19 pm

I think it would be great if the staff could clear out their position.

As fas as I understand Viper's post, I think wall jumping is allowed. It's not a hack in itself and was possible on retail. To me, it seems he's reminding the OP that hacks are bannable. So if you walljump without hacking, it should be alright.

People getting on roofs in Gad / Everlook walljump too in some extend, and this isn't a bannable offense, because they don't use any hack to do so. And the fact that they gain an advantage (e.g. being able to get more Honor etc.) isn't an issue here.

Same thing with people being to get on top of roofs in Arathi Basin : a GM stated it wasn't bannable as long as the player went up there using the normal game mechanics and no hacks etc.

Technically, walljumping to gain an advantage seems to be a "clever use of game mechanics". It shouldn't be considered an exploit if the said walljumping isn't a bug in itself : you can exploit a bug, not something that works fine. At least this is what the "legal precedents" suggest about the staff position - which I find rather consistent.

Obviously Viper's last post is rather confusing, and my interpretation might be completely wrong :p, so yeah maybe some kind of quick confirmation / infirmation would be nice :).
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Re: Wall Jumping to Ukorz Sandscalp

by Alexpulos » Wed May 06, 2015 4:34 pm

^this guy gets it!
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