by Catpower » Tue May 19, 2015 6:50 am
Allow me to provide some context here. I responded to a world chat post for a group for UD strat. I said I'd dps, but when I joined, I saw that my friend Effnamor was in the group too and, deciding I wouldn't take the cape from him, opted to tank the dungeon and let Effnamor dps. There was an agreement before I joined the group that if Eff tanked, he'd be given the cape if it dropped. After I joined, I said I'd just tank it if Eff could have priority for the cape. No one had any objection to that, so we all headed to the instance. We got to Baron and Eff set loot to master loot, so that no one would ninja the cape, and Jreed flipped the fuck out, saying he refused to do the boss if we did ML. I asked what the problem was as long as we did fair rolls for loot beside the cape, and he couldn't give a reason (I suspected he would roll on the cape). Shortly thereafter, Jreed says he's gonna roll on the cape, he doesn't care about the agreement, and that it was stupid that the cape had been promised to Effnamor in the first place. So, to avoid Jreed's ninja attempt, Eff put the loot on master loot when we did the fight. Not pictured is Jreed trash talking our guild, or us fairly distributing the loot according to rolls after the fight. I even went out of the way to kill the Unforgiven for this guy, and he still got salty.