In your "opinion", what do you think the best class per race is and why? I do know there is not "BEST PER CLASS" honestly, but I am wanting opinions. I also know I'll probably have people start up "Gnome is the master race!" post, so I hope that is left at a minimum. I just want honest opinions based on Race/Racial Abilities.
I have played alliance mostly. I only played Human Paladin in Vanilla back in retail. I have played many classes and races since Vanilla retail, but not all to 60 on when it comes to Vanilla (private servers).
I hear Tauren Warriors are great for Tanking tagged with Alch/Herb based on racial abilities, plus Dwarf Priest just because they have Far Ward, so I am curious to know more based on races for each class. "Try" to stick with one race for each class.