Questions (NEVER played WoW)

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Questions (NEVER played WoW)

by Grinde » Thu May 28, 2015 12:14 pm

I'm an EQ guy, and to be honest, if I play it will be sparingly... Not sure if I will or not, but I thought I'd at least ask some questions...

WoW has always interested me, but I was never able to bring myself to pay a monthly fee for it.

So here's my questions:

1) Is there anything I can read that gives me info about the vanilla game? Classes, races, abilities, etc?

2) I like playing tanks in games, but with the time crunch I'd probably have to solo quite a bit. Can tanks solo in WoW?

3) Any general tips for a total WoW newb?
Justyce - 7 Dwarf Palatank

Re: Questions (NEVER played WoW)

by Grinde » Thu May 28, 2015 2:01 pm

Alright, found a vanilla wiki...

Sounds to me like paladin would fit the style I want to play: Tank + soloability. Which means I'd have to be alliance. And dwarf > human, so it looks like that decision is made.

Is this server going to progress to further xpacs or just stay vanilla?
Justyce - 7 Dwarf Palatank

Re: Questions (NEVER played WoW)

by PanTheSatyr » Thu May 28, 2015 2:03 pm

All Vanilla content will be released over time. Once all of that has been conquered, the devs plan on opening a Burning Crusade server with character transfers.
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Re: Questions (NEVER played WoW)

by Grinde » Thu May 28, 2015 2:08 pm

Hate to sound stupid, but what's that mean?

Do Death Knights become playable in vanilla? In Burning Crusade?

What about new races?

Sorry for being a total newb. I appreciate people's patience with newbies haha
Justyce - 7 Dwarf Palatank

Re: Questions (NEVER played WoW)

by elrim208 » Thu May 28, 2015 2:25 pm

Paladins are good tanks leveling but you won't get to tank in raids. Considering it can take an inexperienced player 10-14 days play time to hit 60, this may not be a consideration for you. If you want to tank forever warrior is the way to go.

All classes can solo, but paladins are especially self-sufficient. You may find warrior difficult until you get the hang of it; it's a bit of a late bloomer class.

For your expansion questions, no new classes come out until the 2nd xpac, but shamans and paladins become available to both factions next xpac. When and if the xpac server comes out here your character may permanently move to that server if you desire, but this server will always be only vanilla.

Re: Questions (NEVER played WoW)

by WhoseDaBeef » Thu May 28, 2015 2:28 pm

The devs are releasing vanilla content first. Once finished, they will start a separate sever for the Burining Crusade expansion and provide the opportunity for players to have a one-way transfer to the new server.

Death Knights are not available until Wrath of the Lich King (the xpac after Burning Crusade)

Burning Crusade adds 2 new playable races: Blood Elf for the Horde, and Dranei for the Alliance. Also, the Horde get paladins and the Alliance get shaman during this xpac.

Re: Questions (NEVER played WoW)

by Exzes » Thu May 28, 2015 2:34 pm

Grinde wrote:I'm an EQ guy, and to be honest, if I play it will be sparingly... Not sure if I will or not, but I thought I'd at least ask some questions...

WoW has always interested me, but I was never able to bring myself to pay a monthly fee for it.

So here's my questions:

1) Is there anything I can read that gives me info about the vanilla game? Classes, races, abilities, etc?

2) I like playing tanks in games, but with the time crunch I'd probably have to solo quite a bit. Can tanks solo in WoW?

3) Any general tips for a total WoW newb?

WoWiki is a reliable source, other than that, there are plenty of old sides wich you surely find easily if you Google it with 1.12.

Soloing quests as a tank of course is possible but nerve wrecking since it takes Ages, for lvl as tank Pally is surely awsome. For endgame thou Paladin is only viable as a heal, so if you want to experience the whole Thing as tank you should go for Warrior.

Never be afraid to ask in ingame Chat (ignore the trolls) and for quests and stuff is great since vanilla quest texts often lack...well Information where to go.

Re: Questions (NEVER played WoW)

by Grinde » Thu May 28, 2015 3:19 pm

Leaning towards Tauren Warrior at the moment, because I became aware that it's possible to solo level and be group viable as one.

Is there anything I should know about racial choices? I'm not totally set on going tauren, they just seem to have a bad ass look about them.

Thanks to all for all the tips and advice.
Justyce - 7 Dwarf Palatank

Re: Questions (NEVER played WoW)

by IAMSADWARVENS » Thu May 28, 2015 3:41 pm

Wow.... you have never played WoW before and you are trying vanilla.
You have the biggest balls of us all.
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Re: Questions (NEVER played WoW)

by Ritzy » Thu May 28, 2015 3:42 pm

There is good info in the warrior forum for leveling builds if that is what you choose - main takeaway is that just because you want to tank, doesn't mean that you have to level protection spec, so you can still solo and slap on a shield for dungeons (though low level warrior questing can be a challenge in any spec!)


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