Grinde wrote:I'm an EQ guy, and to be honest, if I play it will be sparingly... Not sure if I will or not, but I thought I'd at least ask some questions...
WoW has always interested me, but I was never able to bring myself to pay a monthly fee for it.
So here's my questions:
1) Is there anything I can read that gives me info about the vanilla game? Classes, races, abilities, etc?
2) I like playing tanks in games, but with the time crunch I'd probably have to solo quite a bit. Can tanks solo in WoW?
3) Any general tips for a total WoW newb?
WoWiki is a reliable source, other than that, there are plenty of old sides wich you surely find easily if you Google it with 1.12.
Soloing quests as a tank of course is possible but nerve wrecking since it takes Ages, for lvl as tank Pally is surely awsome. For endgame thou Paladin is only viable as a heal, so if you want to experience the whole Thing as tank you should go for Warrior.
Never be afraid to ask in ingame Chat (ignore the trolls) and for quests and stuff is great since vanilla quest texts often lack...well Information where to go.