Just saw several posts with people being permanent banned for abusing an ingame bug. None of the post however states what the bug is. How do you avoid abusing one of these bugs unintentionally? If people are getting banned for this anyways, is there anything to loose by disclosing some details regarding the bugs?
I for example am leveling a hunter right now, a class i never tried before, so whatever I do while leveling this guy, I have no idea whether what I am doing was possible in vanilla, or if I am using some kind of bug here with out me knowing it.
Another example could be a mob that for some reason drops more loot than he is supposed to in vanilla, would i then get banned for farming these, just because i kill one, see good drops, and continue to kill them?
For me wow is also about exploring the world and it's possibilities, like trying to access hard to get to mountain tops etc. But with all these insta perm ban post, with no reasoning beyond a single statement like "bug abuse", you kinda get worried of loosing your account.
I have no intention of cheating or using any bugs, but trying out clever game plays are also part of vanilla i feel.