Discuss this. Which raid was the most annoying for you in vanilla? And which one was the best?
I personally always found AQ40 extremely dull (at least 'til emperors and C'thun lol) - the whole bug thing and bunch of useless bosses like Fankriss / Battleguard *surely must be a noob to wipe here* Sartura etc. I know some people love the whole AQ thing but the best thing for me about that storyline was the War Effort and the opening event.. AQ20 is pretty damn useless raid too with Osirian the only interesting boss (or interesting loot boss aswell lol).
And the best for me would be BWL if we don't really consider the Firemaw/Ebonroc/Flamegor fiasco (I mean c'mon how lazy you got to be to just put the same boss basically 3 times in a raid). The only part that I find really annoying is the freaking trash before Broodlord Lashlayer.. Everything else is kinda dragon-epic, really nice fights.
So share your toughts.. Let's have some good memories before we get to play on teh new Nostalrius