Whether you want it or not. Unless the TBC server releases pretty soon we need a 2nd server.
With all the draw backs of having the over population going on the biggest problem people defending the population are overlooking and fail to acknowledge that people will eventually hit 60.
What do you think is going to happen once all these people hit lvl 60? We so far have seen zero signs of people leaving it's actually growing and getting worse.
Once all these people are 60 guess what? They will no longer be spread out. They will all be clumped together in a few select zones. You think it's over crowded now? You just wait till everyone is in Silithus / EPL / Winter Spring / Searing gorge and Burning steppes. The cities will also start to get flooded once people no longer need to be out in the world leveling and only leave to do rep/grind/gather.
This problem will only get worse and we need a solution now rather than later.