- outwitted you in a fight you were sure you'd won.
- helped you out instead of going for an easy kill.
- gave you the most epic fight you've ever had.
- whatever else you can think to share.
My story is about an Undead Mage called Equilibrium.
I hit level 49 and decide it's time to give BGs a try. Levelling's slowed down a bit and I could use a change of pace. I queue up, it pops instantly and I hop in.
While the buffs are going up some guy on our team says "Oh, man. Equilibrium's here." to which I ask "Is he good?"
"We always lose when he's here."
The game starts and it turns out he was right. This guy is good. In groups, he attacks the right targets, keeps himself out of reach and CCs so often you'd think he had a pet sheep. But it's in 1v1 that he excels. As far as I could tell, he wasn't making mistakes and I couldn't for the life of me (literally) trick him into wasting his counterspell. Our team gets crushed but I queue up 2 more times to finish up the quest before swearing off pug BGs. Damn AFKers.
The next day I'm in a group for a Maraudon run and we're clearing trash on the orange side to get to the instance and there is Equilibrium. Alone. He's killing elites by himself, I think. Someone in party chat asks if we're going to kill him and I say no. Partly because it wouldn't be fair but mostly because I wasn't sure he wouldn't take 1-2 of us down with him.
So here's my shout out to you, Equilibrium, you smug little #*%$.