I am mainly PvP oriented player and there is nothing I like more than a fight on near-to-equal footing.
I'm not one to cry when I've been bested one on one or even 10 on one.
One thing though I can not stand and hence this topic as a result.
Is grieving in this server originally tolerated?
What I mean by grieving is not someone camping the landing zone or quest mobs.
Grieving is when a level 60 enemy stays for hours INSIDE our inn where players 18~25 go to take their quest, in their faction village, filled with their NPCs.
It is one thing to be unable to get out of the village and kill mobs, because they are camped by max level enemies, completely another to enter the inn (or log in, because that's where you usually log out) and get killed. Being unable to take or return any of the quests you have there, unable to use the merchants, and all that simply because your faction NPC do NOT attack the enemies that are inside.
I don't honestly believe official WoW had similar problems and I understand that implementing custom NPC AI comes at a cost, so please just let me know if I am to cower like a mouse and grind mobs in some safe corner for months until I get high enough level to fight such enemies, or is there some server policy that will make questing and leveling possible even with the occasional camping of quest areas and crossroads?
Thanks in advance for the information.
P.S to the unnamed enemy player that is the cause for this topic:
I'll see you again when I level up a bit and I'll devote several hours just to see how good you are vs someone your level