Grieving allowed?

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Grieving allowed?

by belev » Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:08 pm

I am mainly PvP oriented player and there is nothing I like more than a fight on near-to-equal footing.
I'm not one to cry when I've been bested one on one or even 10 on one.

One thing though I can not stand and hence this topic as a result.

Is grieving in this server originally tolerated?
What I mean by grieving is not someone camping the landing zone or quest mobs.
Grieving is when a level 60 enemy stays for hours INSIDE our inn where players 18~25 go to take their quest, in their faction village, filled with their NPCs.

It is one thing to be unable to get out of the village and kill mobs, because they are camped by max level enemies, completely another to enter the inn (or log in, because that's where you usually log out) and get killed. Being unable to take or return any of the quests you have there, unable to use the merchants, and all that simply because your faction NPC do NOT attack the enemies that are inside.

I don't honestly believe official WoW had similar problems and I understand that implementing custom NPC AI comes at a cost, so please just let me know if I am to cower like a mouse and grind mobs in some safe corner for months until I get high enough level to fight such enemies, or is there some server policy that will make questing and leveling possible even with the occasional camping of quest areas and crossroads?

Thanks in advance for the information.

P.S to the unnamed enemy player that is the cause for this topic:
I'll see you again when I level up a bit and I'll devote several hours just to see how good you are vs someone your level
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Re: Grieving allowed?

by beercow » Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:47 pm

belev wrote:Grieving is when a level 60 enemy stays for hours INSIDE our inn where players 18~25 go to take their quest, in their faction village, filled with their NPCs.

Grieving is a normal and natural response to loss. Though we often expect to grieve the death of a family member or friend, many other significant losses can also trigger grief. Examples include: The end of a relationship.

Griefing is the act of chronically causing consternation to other members of an online community, or more specifically, intentionally disrupting the immersion of another player in their gameplay.

belev wrote:Is grieving in this server originally tolerated?

Answer: Yes, You may cry. Cry over the loss of quest givers and your inability to protect them.
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Re: Grieving allowed?

by djwood84 » Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:51 pm

To the question you meant to ask, is griefing allowed, I'm not seeing anywhere that it's been banned. Best to just avoid that area and do something else until the griefer finds something to do. I can recall Vanilla WoW experiences where a 60 hunter convinced me on several occasions to go do something else. It's part of the game.

Re: Grieving allowed?

by Aunstic » Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:54 pm

Pretty sure I've seen people be banned when they attacked low level quest hubs for hours on end. If you're staying at one place for more than 2 hours, have fun with the GM that whispers you.

There is a line between griefing and harassment. Just throwing that out there.
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Re: Grieving allowed?

by DrearyYew » Thu Jun 18, 2015 3:44 pm

Griefing, as it was on retail realms at the time and currently, is a bannable offense, so it more than likely is here on Nostalrius. There hasn't been anything conclusive stated by devs that I know of, but I have heard of a few players being banned for camping for multiple hours.

However, the issue of "griefing" is that it doesn't have a concrete definition pertaining to the game. But if you camp the same players or the same quest hub for more than 3 hours, expect to get a whisper from a GM.
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Re: Grieving allowed?

by Bioness » Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:14 pm

I 'm laughing because he didn't just make the mistake once, he used the word "grieving" the entire time.

Yes, "griefing" is allowed to some extent, just don't be surprised if a GM whispers you to stop if you've been at it all day.
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Re: Grieving allowed?

by Nellzer » Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:09 pm

Wait, what are people saying? Maybe the people that played in Vanilla when world PvP was actually a thing played on RP or PvE servers, but griefing was definitely NOT a ban able offense on retail Vanilla. People would camp quest hubs (WPL anyone??) endlessly in the hopes of starting a faction war.

There is no way this should be bannable. If this is disrupting your questing, go somewhere else. You normally have around 3 different zones at any given level.

Re: Grieving allowed?

by queenlatifa » Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:45 pm

Nellzer wrote:Wait, what are people saying? Maybe the people that played in Vanilla when world PvP was actually a thing played on RP or PvE servers, but griefing was definitely NOT a ban able offense on retail Vanilla. People would camp quest hubs (WPL anyone??) endlessly in the hopes of starting a faction war.

There is no way this should be bannable. If this is disrupting your questing, go somewhere else. You normally have around 3 different zones at any given level.

This is a private server.. what do you expect? People could ask for help from high level players and actually receive it, but this is a private server, and GMs normally have a lot of control over players in private servers.
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Re: Grieving allowed?

by Ritmas » Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:33 pm

Griefing as in camping a quest NPC or anything important for hours was and is still very bannable(usually you get /w from GM). Yet in retail vanilla it wasn't such a problem as the griefer would get swift retaliation, but here 60s don't give a fuck and just spam general chat how Vanilla is great and how they enjoy wpvp and raids, but do nothing actually.

Re: Grieving allowed?

by ritjos71 » Thu Jun 18, 2015 7:32 pm

Ritmas wrote:Griefing as in camping a quest NPC or anything important for hours was and is still very bannable(usually you get /w from GM). Yet in retail vanilla it wasn't such a problem as the griefer would get swift retaliation, but here 60s don't give a fuck and just spam general chat how Vanilla is great and how they enjoy wpvp and raids, but do nothing actually.

Too salty for my taste.


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