A world pvp event will take place at Wednesay 24-6 7:30 pm server time!(You may go there before the starting time, for general world pvp, it may help to create a base of players of each faction)
The Horde base will be Stonard in Swamp of Sorrows. (Meeting point of horde)
The Alliance base will be Nethergarde Keep in Blasted lands. The alliance will be defending the keep and the area around it while the horde will attempt to assault it. Nethergarde Keep is guarded around by lvl 48-49 alliance guards, it also has a mine with other alliance npcs. The Buildings of nethergarde inside have lvl 55 elite alliance guards which are hard to take down.
The horde's target is basically to completely take control of the keep, while the alliance tries to defend it. Graveyards are not that far so its suitable for some world pvp.
You can come before the event starts to just world pvp around with random players, but horde side invites will start at 7:30 pm server times or earlier.
10v10, 30v20, 60v100, doesnt matter what we get, but with at least a few people we can have fun for ourselves! This event is for lvl 45+ and not restricted to lvl 60s
Let's make this server have constant organized world pvp events! For the Alliance/Horde! (im horde tho)
(Event was skipped for another day)