Conspiracy Theory Time

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Conspiracy Theory Time

by TinFoilHat » Mon Jun 29, 2015 1:25 am

Alright, this conversation was going on in our voice chat the other day and I thought it was barely interesting enough to make a post about it on the forums.

We were discussing the current level of content and trying to figure out reasons why things might be in the state they are.

Obviously the first thing that came to mind, is that the devs just simply do not know what they are doing. After several weeks of AV testing and only negative feedback from the guilds that we have talked to, it seems progression is moving at a snails pace. It's not as if these battlegrounds and raids haven't been scripted on other servers, a few people even insisted that BWL is one of the easiest raids to script, so why the long wait?
Waiting so long to release content is just going to ensure it's cleared faster. Guilds who have been raiding for weeks are all BIS, and will get even more powerful after the item update. Delaying AV/BWL, will just make the content that much easier to clear, and we'll be back to where we are now, that much faster.

The main thing our group could not figure out is that, if the devs are not incompetent, and do in fact know what they are doing, why the wait? It's not uncommon to see private servers promise things and not deliver, then open and/or solicit donations as a means to speed up the process of content release. However, Nostalrius is not. Besides a single post several weeks ago they are not actively soliciting donations. So how is this server remaining active?

Gold sellers are ubiquitous now a days, however on the two other vanilla private servers I've played on, I've never seen spam so frequent, until I came across the sinbaonline spam. Why only sinbaonline? If you Google, "Buy Nostalrius Gold" there are several other sites that pop up. Why is this the only spam we see? Why is the same character allowed, sometimes for days to continue spamming before being banned? Why are new accounts being created so easily, and remaining active for so long?

Nostalrius is working together with Sinba online.

Why else would Nostalrius make it front and center in almost everyone of their patch notes/updates. Don't buy gold! We've banned so many accounts for buying gold! You know the rules, gold buyers and sellers get banned!

Most of the response they get to these posts are, who fucking cares? Buy all the gold you want, stop wasting resources banning gold sellers and buyers, and release content. Yet, every time there's a dev post, they make sure to mention specifically, the amount of time and effort they've put into quelling the gold buying scene on their server.

I believe we are being Nostalruzed into waiting for content that will never come, they lure us in with promises of new content, we level our toons, get lured into buying some gold, and boom, banhamer. Nostalrius gets a cut of the gold sale, and continues to drag their feet on content, while yelling from the rafters about the dangers about gold buying, YET continues allowing gold selling spam to continue, uninterrupted, on a daily basis.

Conspiracy? You decide.

Re: Conspiracy Theory Time

by Aunstic » Mon Jun 29, 2015 1:52 am

You should've picked a name that doesn't reflect your sanity.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory Time

by ILikeEggs » Mon Jun 29, 2015 1:58 am

i think scripting all of that stuff is harder than you think it is. People abuse *literally* every single bug that is discovered, so they have to make sure they fix as many bugs as they can. Either way I don't really care, it's a free server and it's fun. Yes it would be nice to have AV/BWL but the game is good enough right now for me to continue playing as-is. Beats the hell out of retail, that's for sure. Besides, just gives everyone more time to level alts/farm gold for flasks/enchants etc. for when BWL DOES drop. As for the sinbaonline thing.. If that's what it takes for them to provide us with a *FREE* service that Blizzard refuses to provide us with, I could care less. I always thought that Blizzard was creating gold behind the scenes and selling it thru some of those websites, but I didn't worry about it. Those advertisements in trade are hilarious anyway because of the horrible grammar/random phrases.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Conspiracy Theory Time

by tigahawk » Mon Jun 29, 2015 4:00 am

Sounds good but....

There was a period of time where they spammers changed their spam phrases about 2-3 times each day for a week then. I believed the reason they changed their spam (due to how they had changed it) was because the spam they were saying was being picked up and auto banned - so they changed the wording to avoid said thing. It jumped around for a bit, now it's sort of steady.

To me that says - they had a go at stopping them - but what the hell are you going to do to stop that when you can create a new account in seconds and probably have a whole factory of accounts that you could just pull any character you'd like and stick it on spam duty as you'd be constantly creating accounts to bot with to grind to collect said money that they're going to sell.

They wont ask for $ as I believe a particular Pirate Bay have assisted with Hosting this server. That and any advertisement that this server or the staff that work on it receive any kind of income at all for scripting / maintaining / hosting another company's product = make things a lot messier if Blizzard ever get desperate enough to take them to court - which seeing how Blizz is getting rather desperate with people leaving official WoW like it's a stinking turd.... may be in the near future.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory Time

by Ourk » Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:47 am

TinFoilHat wrote:Why only sinbaonline? Why is this the only spam we see?

You forget

It's like you try hard to bend the reality in order to stick with your theory.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory Time

by Aunstic » Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:54 am

Ourk wrote:
TinFoilHat wrote:Why only sinbaonline? Why is this the only spam we see?

You forget

It's like you try hard to bend the reality in order to stick with your theory.

They both have the same site layout too. Odd. I wonder what conspiracy this brings.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory Time

by AverageJoe » Mon Jun 29, 2015 6:38 am

Gold sellers go wherever there's a market. Since Nostalrius has an incredibly high player population, it's obvious they're going to shill here. There's always going to be players who want to take shortcuts and pay real money for in-game gold and on a server with thousands of players, it's easy to see why gold sellers are so abundant here.

If tomorrow every Nostalrius player decided to never purchase gold ever again, the sellers would vanish.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory Time

by ceen2 » Mon Jun 29, 2015 7:07 am

Why is delaying a bad thing. Blizzlike would be even more time between the updates.
I dont care about the no lifers running around in BiS and clearing BWL first, let them have some fun in their basement after school is out ^^
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Senior Sergeant

Re: Conspiracy Theory Time

by kovenant » Mon Jun 29, 2015 7:12 am

everything is available,
why would they spew out patch after patch.
so the runtime of the server is over within 9 months?

and then what? you start complaining TBC isn't released soon enough.

you cant cater the top 10 - 20% of a server.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Conspiracy Theory Time

by stimz » Mon Jun 29, 2015 12:41 pm

Honestly, I wouldn't care if they actually did this. Still better than the alternatives.
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