Gadgetzan Exalted PvP

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Gadgetzan Exalted PvP

by Charredx » Thu Jul 16, 2015 2:42 pm


So I was just wondering, if I take my time and waste it on grinding Gadgetzan to Exalted (of which the only advantage of doing this is a pvp reward) to get the privilege of attacking players inside Gadgetzan without guards attacking me at all, and I stand in Gadgetzan all day every day to kill every single alliance player without anyone else who is exalted with Gadgetzan being able to lift a finger against me, I will not have to fear any consequences right?

Cause this is intended and blizzlike and the only purpose to get Gadgetzan exalted, having the power to kill everyone in Gadgetzan without ever getting attacked and no one able to touch you cause the guards kill them if they try to defend themselves. I just don't want to waste my time getting to exalted if there is customly set rules because players cry about an intended game mechanic and I'll have to deal with upset gamemasters even tho it's legit

Killing the Southsea and Wastewander monsters will increase your reputation with the Steamwheedle Cartel. Having a friendly or higher reputation will make the guards help you in case of initiated violence against you. Having an exalted reputation means that the guards will never attack you even if you initiate attacks on the opposite faction.

Re: Gadgetzan Exalted PvP

by Xylon666Darkstar » Thu Jul 16, 2015 2:48 pm

Booty Bay I feel would be better, no? More variety and number of players go through there than Gadgetzan.

Whether this actually works on this server's scripting or not is a good question. It was certainly the case in Gadget, Everlook, BB and Ratchet back in vanilla retail.
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Re: Gadgetzan Exalted PvP

by ILikeEggs » Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:05 pm

seems like an awful lot of effort to gank people when you could just stand 10 feet away from the guards and kill people without having to spend a week grinding reputation
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Re: Gadgetzan Exalted PvP

by Ellarria » Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:18 pm

I'm sure you have a legit source to back up that quote. Regardless, I don't think it's going to happen. Keep dreaming.
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Re: Gadgetzan Exalted PvP

by Nipah » Fri Jul 17, 2015 1:20 am

Charredx wrote:Yo,

So I was just wondering, if I take my time and waste it on grinding Gadgetzan to Exalted (of which the only advantage of doing this is a pvp reward) to get the privilege of attacking players inside Gadgetzan without guards attacking me at all, and I stand in Gadgetzan all day every day to kill every single alliance player without anyone else who is exalted with Gadgetzan being able to lift a finger against me, I will not have to fear any consequences right?

Cause this is intended and blizzlike and the only purpose to get Gadgetzan exalted, having the power to kill everyone in Gadgetzan without ever getting attacked and no one able to touch you cause the guards kill them if they try to defend themselves. I just don't want to waste my time getting to exalted if there is customly set rules because players cry about an intended game mechanic and I'll have to deal with upset gamemasters even tho it's legit

Reminder only horde shitters are this pathetic.
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Re: Gadgetzan Exalted PvP

by Bioness » Fri Jul 17, 2015 1:45 am

While I don't see much wrong with killing lower levels every once in a while (it is part of the game), your reason for wanting Gadgetzan exalted is disgustingly pathetic.
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Re: Gadgetzan Exalted PvP

by Charredx » Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:57 pm

Bioness wrote:While I don't see much wrong with killing lower levels every once in a while (it is part of the game), your reason for wanting Gadgetzan exalted is disgustingly pathetic.

Sorry but do you see any other reason or advantage of getting this faction to exalted? It'd be the entire point of it.

That said I have asked a gamemaster about this and we both came to the conclusion that it is a very vague thing and he suggested me to post here in hopes to get an answer from an Admin. Here's the link to our conversation if anyone is interested:

Re: Gadgetzan Exalted PvP

by Holmes » Thu Jul 23, 2015 2:08 pm

no you cant keep camping a town or whatever for hours
its physical harassment and banable
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Re: Gadgetzan Exalted PvP

by snawfu » Thu Jul 23, 2015 2:22 pm

Holmes wrote:no you cant keep camping a town or whatever for hours
its physical harassment and banable

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Re: Gadgetzan Exalted PvP

by Druzzil » Thu Jul 23, 2015 2:36 pm

Holmes wrote:no you cant keep camping a town or whatever for hours
its physical harassment and banable


@ OP - this is a PVP server. I don't see any reason that wouldn't be okay. Aside from some of the concerning things that were allowed in Retail but not allowed on this server it's probably best that you asked first.

Regardless, I would think you'd be fine.

To those calling the OP disgusting, pathetic, whatever else:

This is a PvP server...
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