all this GM conversations and posting on the forums while afking in the cave in AV and you basicly insulting everyone and swearing in everything you say. You want to rush thm so badly but get so butthurt when your rush doesnt work. GG
well just a friendly tip, calling people retards idiots and morons every few seconds for the entire long ass game, doesn't really help making people listen to you. same if someone spams the same shit the entire time
eh never said i needed that alreayd did them ages ago. let me say it differently, so you might understand it this time. how do you expect them to listen if you got you on the ignore list after the first 40 times you called thema fucking idiot. ( within a short time period) and some will even turtle the shit out of the game because of people like you. i know i did.
vathdaar wrote:seriously this Gms are so funny, i cant believe the hipcresy in their actions against ones and others.
Unban Maitoz and Mn,
i agree, i dont see how group queueing is worse than all the avoid bug abusing thats going on atm. rather ban them the bug abusers than some premade users.
This is getting ridiculous. You GM's really need to get your shit together, and get one the same page. Banning for group queuing, but leaving this for the time being is just horrible!
You can STILL group que, and yet that's a nono. Just ban a few people and the horde will learn..