For premades 99% of the time there is no pvp, you enjoy that we know and we don't care. For the rest of the population, which is 98% of the players, 75% of the time there is no pvp, it's one sided honor farm, and no we don't enjoy that, we don't enjoy to afk 3 out of 4 games . You ruin the pvp experience for 98% of the population. Premades are cancer. You don't go against other premades except 1 in 50 games, you DODGE every time because you are all whiner babies scared to lose for your life.
You guys are so full of yourselves, the server will be MUCH better without you, like those grizzly fags who post things like threatening to quit. You think you are hotshot, while 98% of the server thinks you guys are fat nerds who got bullied in school, eating doritos and drinking mountain dew in your mom's basement, raging at her when you lose.
feel free to quit, or quit raging. NO ONE will miss you. Wow is not your life, it's entertainment. r14 will not get you a girlfriend, r14 will not put food on your table, r14 will not make your mom proud, and definitely earn no respect in this server.
tl;dr: game got 1% harder for premades, stop crying. premades = children, handle it or cry me a river.