Hating the player mentality

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Hating the player mentality

by Simonich » Fri Aug 14, 2015 9:45 am

"Wheres the fun in turtling in AV, I just want to grab my epics and leave"

And then what? Get more epics to get more epics and after that get more epics till you got full naxx gear so you can sit in the capital city and show off your gear?

People do it like they're forced, they force themselves do things. They enjoy seeing bars called "reputation" go to "exalted". And what's with the "long games ugh" thing. You just play and PvP and earn reputation and have fun while you slowly advance in the battle. I really hate when people come and claim that AV is basically a pve instance which we should all rush to constantly kill a guy called "Vanndar" or "Drek'thar" so we can see a bar fill so we can get to be stronger and then use our strength to get more strength!

Seriously you can at least go raid, arguments about turtling happen evert fucking day.
Especially when people are so ignorant and say "all attack and no defense" just to end up capping 2bunkers and earning 60 rep overall but oh well fast losing better than slow winning right? NO.

If the opponent team happens to use their best form of defense you lost. But people then blame those
Defenders and say they should all go north/south (enemy side).

Sometimes me and my guildies defend galv and wipe alliance at it cause its entertaining defending some objective against some players, then come the others "where's the fun in that you get no rep"

... (PS you can get even better rep by turtling but whatever)

Then perhaps whine why there is no content.

I even asked "Then why do people world PvP?"

Someone said "Idk something is wrong in their minds"

Hell is the game all about getting epics and that's all? God damnit..

Please if you want your gear, manage to ge a spot raids rather turning AV into a pve race.
Was good to have you all

Hail The Red Dawn <3
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Re: Hating the player mentality

by heradura » Fri Aug 14, 2015 9:51 am

There are BIS PVE items behind AV rep, numbnuts.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Hating the player mentality

by Luciphur » Fri Aug 14, 2015 9:51 am

Hi there, think i remember you from Feenix.

Anyway, i totaly agree long AVs are huge fun for us PvPers. But think about it, some rep rewards are also bis for raiding. Because of that many pve persons have to farm pvp the y probably hate with all their pasion. Which leads to mentality you mentioned. :cry:
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Re: Hating the player mentality

by Luffaz » Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:02 am

Luciphur wrote:Hi there, think i remember you from Feenix.

Anyway, i totaly agree long AVs are huge fun for us PvPers. But think about it, some rep rewards are also bis for raiding. Because of that many pve persons have to farm pvp the y probably hate with all their pasion. Which leads to mentality you mentioned. :cry:

Exactly, I think battlegrounds are cancerous and AV turtling was the worst thing in the world, some of us just wants to get our epics for bigger numbers. :>

Re: Hating the player mentality

by Rizzonico » Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:46 am

Yea bro there's who hate those ppl like u (and me) but there's also who hate who turtles AV.
Your target is to have fun with a long battle in AV, their target is to have a fast battle so they can gain more rep and have their epics in a shorter time.
People are just different.
Rizzonico, Battlelord of <The Red Dawn> Level 60 Tauren Hunter
R.I.P. Tirion Fordring "Steel your heart and your soul will shine brighter than a thousand suns"
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Re: Hating the player mentality

by Datruth » Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:53 am

I guess a bridge standoff was fun the first couple of times, but for me personally as a PvE focused player, it gets old really quickly. You can't really hate on PvE players for wanting to get their BiS items, can you?
Take casters for example, the offhands in MC are garbage compared to the AV ones.
PvE players will continue to infest PvP battlegrounds for a long time, welcome to vanilla mate.

Besides, the objective is to win (duh) and that is simply not possible if one team refuses to open up.
40 players vs 40 players + insanely strong NPCs is a one sided battle.
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Hating the player mentality

by cookiemonster212 » Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:34 am

I'm already exalted, i do drop by AV and play defense or follow the big group to rack up some HK. It's fun, I hate rushing games.

Though I hate people defending.. when I WAS NOT EXALTED YET :P

Re: Hating the player mentality

by Thompz » Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:44 am

Please don't queue for AV again.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Hating the player mentality

by Goldesel » Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:59 am

just spam 10x /bg KORRAK IS UP and everyone will move to mid
also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMNry4PE93Y

Re: Hating the player mentality

by heradura » Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:01 pm

To be a little less douchey to OP, let me advise that we only just got done with the second AV weekend on this server, and if you were playing during it, well, hopefully you understand why everyone wanted fast games. It's not even been out a month yet. Once the majority of raiders have gotten exalted (I imagine a good portion of them are now) they'll never bother you again and you can have all the 5 hour bridge turtles your heart desires. Because that's what it's inevitably going to boil down to. Hope you rolled Alliance, have fun farming Horde for honor.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major


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