New here! Many Questions aboug bugs.

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New here! Many Questions aboug bugs.

by gussman » Sun Aug 16, 2015 2:16 pm

Hi I'm new. First off, glad to see such a great server with huge population, congrats!
Although I hate being that guy I must raise my concerns.

#1 'Output lag' as in pressing an ability and it takes like 0.5-1 sec for the character to respond.
Is this something that I can improve on my end or is it something I've got to live with?
It can be an huge obstacle in PvP for many classes (not saying the lag is huuge but it can definitely affect gameplay I think, in an annoying way).

#2 Rogues! Me and my friend are both playing rogues and I noticed that if you have say 2 combo points on a target and switch target without doing any ability and then go back to your original target, you lose the CP's!!!
This can be a huge downfall for rogues when they are targeting one and blinding the other and then the CP's are gone! Is this issue highlighted and being worked on?

#3 mobs running awkwardly. I have seen this problem on many servers. when you tag a mob in melee, they're like gonna end up behind you because they run too far which in turn makes everything more difficult. this should not happen. It can have to do with that slight lag, causing the npcs/mobs to run in an awkwardly twitchy manner.

#4 Mobs(and players??) casting through trees! I noticed this very early as I was hiding behind a huge tree but the NPC could still cast frostbolt on me.. is this intended or what? because it should not be possible...

#5 herbs under the ground/untargetable; not a super significant bug I guess but I noticed it, a gloomweed and a peacebloom under the ground or u can't find/target em.
kinda minor bug but still annoying.

Ok that was it for now, did not mean to complain because I really appreciate the server.
I'll probably be back with more concerns later.. xD cheers.
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Re: New here! Many Questions aboug bugs.

by gussman » Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:14 am

Another concern, when you ALT+F4, your character seems to sit down and wait for like a minute or so before it finally logs off. This is not how it is supposed to be. Is this an intentional script. Is it to prevent people from avoid being ganked? I must say I really dislike the feature.
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Re: New here! Many Questions aboug bugs.

by Rylox » Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:31 am

Losing CP on target switch, trees/terrain not breaking LoS, and delay for alt F4 are all correct. Not problems.
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Re: New here! Many Questions aboug bugs.

by Spartigus » Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:34 am

#1 Yes there is lag. This could be a reflection of your internet, how far you are from the server, and the current load the server is under. These problems are common with online games. Probably not much you can do.

#2 This is how combo points worked in vanilla. I suggest you adjust your combo point usage to reflect this fact.

And don't alt f4, log out via in game mechanisms and you'll be fine. Hope this helps!

Re: New here! Many Questions aboug bugs.

by gussman » Thu Aug 20, 2015 5:35 am

Losing CP's from only changing the target without 'resetting'/doing a skill to a new target is not intended and is indeed a bug. I was only asking if it was known and is being worked on.

Trees should break LoS in my experience. if you could cast through trees, you should also be able to say blink/charge or even walk through them by your logic. Is this intended for the server, perhaps to reduce the cancerous melee's, hiding behind LoS, because I could buy that argument but I know that it should break LoS by default.

The delay for ALT+F4 have neither been a factor for all the servers I have been playing on. I guess I'll take that as intended to prevent escaping a gank which is then scripted.
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Re: New here! Many Questions aboug bugs.

by Rylox » Thu Aug 20, 2015 6:29 am

Patch 1.4.0 (2005-05-05): Combo points will no longer be removed if the target is deselected. They will only be removed if a different target is selected.

IDK when or if ever LoS was changed to include trees. How is it on retail ATM? I know totems went thru arena objects in TBC for sure.
Last edited by Rylox on Thu Aug 20, 2015 6:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New here! Many Questions aboug bugs.

by Iauren » Thu Aug 20, 2015 6:32 am

Rylox wrote:Patch 1.4.0 (2005-05-05): Combo points will no longer be removed if the target is deselected. They will only be removed if a different target is selected.


Re: New here! Many Questions aboug bugs.

by gussman » Thu Aug 20, 2015 7:06 am

wow, interesting read. on each and every server I have been playing on including retail it has been like I described.
It should only be if you attack a new target with a combo, say SS or gouge, then you lose them on the previous target.
say you combo someone without using a finishing move, blinding another target and going back to your main target and boom, all combo points are gone - this is a major bug I'm tellin ya.
heck you can even target yourself after comboing a target and boom, CP's gone.

I get if people are tired of rogues but this is a huge nerf as I see it only happen on this server.

I can prove to you that this is a bug. I have played rogue pretty much all my life, like oldschool retail and I can just switch realmlist to Edream(same patch as this serv), I tried it just now and my point is proven.
I don't even have to make a video to prove it, just try it yourselves on another server.
I am just a bit shocked how this seems to be news to you guys.
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Re: New here! Many Questions aboug bugs.

by Rylox » Thu Aug 20, 2015 7:11 am

gussman wrote:wow, interesting read. on each and every server I have been playing on including retail it has been like I described.
It should only be if you attack a new target with a combo, say SS or gouge, then you lose them on the previous target.
say you combo someone without using a finishing move, blinding another target and going back to your main target and boom, all combo points are gone - this is a major bug I'm tellin ya.
heck you can even target yourself after comboing a target and boom, CP's gone.

I get if people are tired of rogues but this is a huge nerf as I see it only happen on this server.

I can prove to you that this is a bug. I have played rogue pretty much all my life, like oldschool retail and I can just switch realmlist to Edream(same patch as this serv), I tried it just now and my point is proven.
I don't even have to make a video to prove it, just try it yourselves on another server.
I am just a bit shocked how this seems to be news to you guys.

Because those servers are bullshit and don't fix bugs. It is correct to LOSE CP in vanilla.
All vanilla servers are edit'd from a MANGOS TBC core. Where things that were changed in TBC need to be reverted.
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Re: New here! Many Questions aboug bugs.

by gussman » Thu Aug 20, 2015 7:27 am

I have here a screenshot, I took three but couldn't find them in my SC folder but I do have this critical one of my demonstration of how it is supposed to work.
I first engaged a target, getting my CP's (screen1)
Switching my target (screen2)
Reverting target to main (screen3, the one I have here for you) you can see how the CP's shine at the target - that is the indicator that - hey, your CP's are here!! (They are not supposed to disappear like in this server!).
My friend also immediately reacted to the bug as he, too have been playing rogue in the past.
Last edited by gussman on Thu Aug 20, 2015 7:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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