On the topic of the recent DM Tribute fix

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On the topic of the recent DM Tribute fix

by Datruth » Sun Aug 23, 2015 9:44 pm

People should be able to be objective enough about the situation to see how big an impact hunters soloing DM North had on the economy. For example, Major Mana pot prices have already tripled after the change were implemented, and Large Brilliant Shards are on the rise aswell.

People are waaay more knowledgeable about the game nowadays compared to 10 years ago, mainly because WoW was the first MMO for a lot of people, but also because Youtube, twitch and other websites filled with online guides etc was extremely limited compared to today.
With those facts in mind, something which wasn't an issue back then can obviously become a problem today, and it did, so the devs had to make a custom change instead of just sitting back and watching the economy crash completely.

Please don't give me the bullshit about Mages/Paladins/Priests/Warlocks being able to kill lashers in DME, even thought it is good gold, it doesn't even come close to what hunters were doing in DMN with regards to gold per hour, and it sure as hell doesn't involve soloing a boss which was meant to be killed by 5 players.
Last edited by Datruth on Mon Aug 24, 2015 12:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: On the topic of the recent DM Tribute fix

by Microaggressor » Sun Aug 23, 2015 9:58 pm

I'm fine with it, just would have been nice if it was in a way that didn't simultaneously break the encounter. We didn't even get a tribute chest in a legit run. You bet I'm mad.

Re: On the topic of the recent DM Tribute fix

by Cronotrigger » Sun Aug 23, 2015 10:12 pm

Agreed 100%. Next time tho do tell people in advance instead of stealth fixing stuff. I like a good read of improvement / patch notes.

Re: On the topic of the recent DM Tribute fix

by Datruth » Sun Aug 23, 2015 10:44 pm

Microaggressor wrote:I'm fine with it, just would have been nice if it was in a way that didn't simultaneously break the encounter. We didn't even get a tribute chest in a legit run. You bet I'm mad.

I'm sure that will be fixed very soon, but yea that sucks.

Cronotrigger wrote:Agreed 100%. Next time tho do tell people in advance instead of stealth fixing stuff. I like a good read of improvement / patch notes.

Yea, the communication definitely have to improve.
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: On the topic of the recent DM Tribute fix

by Böw » Sun Aug 23, 2015 10:58 pm

Datruth wrote:
Please don't give me the bullshit about Mages/Paladins/Priests/Warlocks being able to kill lashers in DME, even thought it is good gold, it doesn't even come close to what hunters were doing in DMN with regards to gold per hour, and it sure as hell doesn't involve soloing a boss which was meant to be killed by 5 players.

it's closer than you think
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: On the topic of the recent DM Tribute fix

by ruhroh » Sun Aug 23, 2015 10:59 pm

Datruth wrote:People should be able to be objective enough about the situation to see how big an impact hunters soloing DM North had on the economy. For example, Major Mana pots prices are already tripled, and Large Brilliant Shards are on the rise aswell.

This is not how economics works...When you have an increased supply with a fixed demand, prices go...down. The prices of major healing potions reflect this. (They've dropped dramatically)

To speculate that the 2nd lowest played class according to census is ruining the economy of a 7k+ player server, not to mention 100% of that class are not doing DM N runs all day every day, is a bit far-reaching.

The concept of Gold is like that of monetary trade with "valueless" currency. As time progresses, it will inflate. This was more than apparent in Diablo 3 and even in retail wow, where many players (including myself) had multiple gold capped accounts.

Sure there may be some Hunter's with 2k+ gold...but they didn't get that in a day, or a few days...It's usually farming 12-16 hours/day for a week or two...Which, other classes could probably do as well. I however, wouldn't take any economic speculation at face value with a server pop. this large from someone who is not a professional Economist. Many things affect an economy this large, even if it's a fairly simple one.

Maybe i'm biased...I do farm DM N solo, though I'm still trying to look at this objectively. I only make around 15-25g in the run if the drops are right, other times i make maybe 10-15g for the run. A flawless run takes 20-22 minutes with some pre-bis. I suppose 45-75g an hour might be a bit much and I wouldn't mind seeing cho linked to king gordok to make it a little more entertaining.

Breaking things or patching without telling the playerbase is kinda meh though.

Re: On the topic of the recent DM Tribute fix

by Gilnash » Sun Aug 23, 2015 11:23 pm

dme mostly generates herbs so it wont generate that much gold *real gold* still mara is the same deal like dmt do smth for that too

Re: On the topic of the recent DM Tribute fix

by Mopar » Sun Aug 23, 2015 11:33 pm

The reason LBS prices are on the rise is that two new enchants dropped - +30 spell power to weapon and +55 healing power to weapon. Greater Eternal essences are as well due to that.

How do I know? I've been watching those prices closely, waiting for the recipes to appear - and buying the mats while they were low. I can tell you their prices over time have had nothing to do with DM tribute farming; they were rock solid stable right up until the first big weapon enchant recipe dropped.

I don't follow the major mana potion market, but i'm not sure how there would be a relationship to DM tribute farming. I'd bet it's the scarcity of herbs causing their prices to rise with more and more people reaching 60 and raiding.

In any case, as long as the devs don't break DM Tribute for legit runs, i don't care if they fix it or not. But the impact on the server is (was?) way overstated as there are only a few people out of thousands doing that.
The pizza level in my bloodstream is dangerously low.
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Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: On the topic of the recent DM Tribute fix

by Rackade » Sun Aug 23, 2015 11:34 pm

no it was insane every hunter who did it had millions of gold

Re: On the topic of the recent DM Tribute fix

by Böw » Sun Aug 23, 2015 11:36 pm

Mopar wrote:I don't follow the major mana potion market, but i'm not sure how there would be a relationship to DM tribute farming. I'd bet it's the scarcity of herbs causing their prices to rise with more and more people reaching 60 and raiding.

Every tribute chest has 2-5 major mana pots so they've been steadily going down since the supply is outrageous.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major


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