I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

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I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by gotmilk0112 » Mon Aug 24, 2015 6:16 pm

Really, what's the deal? Not everyone enjoys ganki- I mean world pvp.

Not everyone enjoys being attacked by enemy players while fighting quest mobs, resulting in your death 99% of the time, unless you're a Mage or a Rogue that can easily escape with cc or vanish.

Not everyone enjoys having a 60 ride by and treat you to a 2-4 minute corpse run.

Not everyone enjoys coming back to town to turn in quests, only to find that there's a 60 camping the town and killing everything in sight, npcs included.

Not everyone enjoys trying to go to a dungeon only to be ganked and have to corpse run 1-3 times just to get into the dungeon. (lookin at you, blackrock mountain)

I don't get why not wanting to be ganked makes you a "carebear". If people want to quest/farm in peace without PvP combat, I don't see why that makes them any less of a player.
knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg
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Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by Vethexe » Mon Aug 24, 2015 6:22 pm

Different people prefer different things i suppose. I find vanilla to be super bland without world ganking/pvp. If you get ganked, a lot of fun comes from getting your buddies and getting them back. Or the feeling of ruining someone's night because they can't play the game.

If there wasn't world PvP, i'd be playing a different expansion. The PvE in vanilla consists of having bodies present. The content is super old and easy, so it's more of an "extra" thing to me. I like raiding, but why farm the good gear if it won't help me kill players out in the world?

Just my two cents.
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Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by PeaceHammer » Mon Aug 24, 2015 6:27 pm

Because some people feel the need to show how super tough and manly they are. They think calling someone a carebear is a display of dominance. It gives them a feeling of superiority. Maybe they want to be an alpha male and this is their only way to do it.
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Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by Crowley » Mon Aug 24, 2015 6:40 pm

Vethexe wrote:Different people prefer different things i suppose. I find vanilla to be super bland without world ganking/pvp. If you get ganked, a lot of fun comes from getting your buddies and getting them back. Or the feeling of ruining someone's night because they can't play the game.

If there wasn't world PvP, i'd be playing a different expansion. The PvE in vanilla consists of having bodies present. The content is super old and easy, so it's more of an "extra" thing to me. I like raiding, but why farm the good gear if it won't help me kill players out in the world?

Just my two cents.

The element of pvp is still there on pve servers. You can still flag yourself and roam around all of Azeroth, you can attack enemy faction towns, and I would bet more times than not you would be met with some pvp. There are still battlegrounds. The only thing that's being taken away is the ganking of people 50 levels below you. Most of the pvpers complaining about this are just mad because their easy targets are going to dwindle, and the last thing they want is a fair fight.

Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by Cortana » Mon Aug 24, 2015 6:53 pm

gotmilk0112 wrote:Really, what's the deal? Not everyone enjoys ganki- I mean world pvp.

Not everyone enjoys being attacked by enemy players while fighting quest mobs, resulting in your death 99% of the time, unless you're a Mage or a Rogue that can easily escape with cc or vanish.

Not everyone enjoys having a 60 ride by and treat you to a 2-4 minute corpse run.

Not everyone enjoys coming back to town to turn in quests, only to find that there's a 60 camping the town and killing everything in sight, npcs included.

Not everyone enjoys trying to go to a dungeon only to be ganked and have to corpse run 1-3 times just to get into the dungeon. (lookin at you, blackrock mountain)

I don't get why not wanting to be ganked makes you a "carebear". If people want to quest/farm in peace without PvP combat, I don't see why that makes them any less of a player.

"Carebear " is just a term that people use from time to time and that's about it , I find it funny compared to all the nasty stuff you can see posted on the interwebz .
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Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by gotmilk0112 » Mon Aug 24, 2015 6:56 pm

Cortana wrote:"Carebear " is just a term that people use from time to time and that's about it , I find it funny compared to all the nasty stuff you can see posted on the interwebz.

Well yeah, duh. I just see "pve carebear pve carebear" tossed around so much. Because apparently you're not hardcore unless you get ganked all the time.
knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg
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Stone Guard

Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by Syleynna » Mon Aug 24, 2015 7:04 pm

... a lot of fun comes from getting your buddies and getting them back. Or the feeling of ruining someone's night because they can't play the game.

Are you saying you get enjoyment from the feeling of ruining someone's night because they can't play them game?

If you are saying that.. well ..... I'm at a loss as to what has gone wrong with our society that anyone would get enjoyment out of making other people miserable. If you are a parent .. go take your kids toys from them and smash them .. I know you will enjoy ruining your children's night. :roll:

If you aren't and it's just poor sentence structure, then my apologies for misunderstanding.

Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by varth » Mon Aug 24, 2015 7:04 pm

Crowley wrote:
Vethexe wrote:Different people prefer different things i suppose. I find vanilla to be super bland without world ganking/pvp. If you get ganked, a lot of fun comes from getting your buddies and getting them back. Or the feeling of ruining someone's night because they can't play the game.

If there wasn't world PvP, i'd be playing a different expansion. The PvE in vanilla consists of having bodies present. The content is super old and easy, so it's more of an "extra" thing to me. I like raiding, but why farm the good gear if it won't help me kill players out in the world?

Just my two cents.

The element of pvp is still there on pve servers. You can still flag yourself and roam around all of Azeroth, you can attack enemy faction towns, and I would bet more times than not you would be met with some pvp. There are still battlegrounds. The only thing that's being taken away is the ganking of people 50 levels below you. Most of the pvpers complaining about this are just mad because their easy targets are going to dwindle, and the last thing they want is a fair fight.

Oh please, what % of people are flagged for pvp on pve servers? I'll bet its 5% or less. How often are enemy faction towns attacked? Incredibly rarely for the major ones, once a week?

The vast majority of world pvp is between people within 10 levels of each other in STV, TM, Blackrock and such, which to me and many others adds another element to the game that would otherwise be a straight grind fest. You do have a chance against these kind of ganks, and you can add strategy to your leveling such as fighting mobs behind trees/hills/buildings to avoid the eyes of gankers. You add in beg/bow macros to hopefully get the gankers to back off by being nice.

There are positives to a PvE server, ill admit im not a fan of lvl 60's camping lowbies and think its unfair and not good for the game, but that's not the majority of world pvp. I do think that BG's will be more competitive on a pve server because that's the only form of pvp that's available. Focus on that kind of thing when you talk up PvE servers, but don't make up shit about world pvp.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by warcraftselblatt » Mon Aug 24, 2015 7:14 pm

Ive always felt the problem with PVE servers is that it kind of ruins the spirit of the game. The whole game is based in a world where two factions are at war. Playing on a server where you can avoid ever having conflict with the opposite faction seems silly to me.
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Re: I never understood this "PvE = carebears" mentality

by Holmes » Mon Aug 24, 2015 7:27 pm

i always prefered pvp servers
but not with a 3 times too high pop

wow had always been kind of relaxing for me, even on pvp servers. its not a stressfull, hectic game like FPS or whatever. unless possibly raids

but with such a high pop it always is stressfull a.k.a. annoying, also because of the combination with pvp
thus many claim it to be not blizzlike. and its totally true. this doesnt make it feel blizzlike.

so i'd prefer a pvp server with max 3,5k pop
or a pve server with anything >2k pop
both would create a way more blizzlike feeling as it currently does

and face it; everyone who prefers this pvp server with >7k pop isnt here for a nostalgic reason and probably never really played retail vanilla. those rather are WoD or LoL babies jerking off there. which is ok, but dont blame others for playing for other motives

and if this "wpvp" nost currently offers is the only thing you'll not have on the pve server i not gonna miss that i guess
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