Pug'd an MC run (random assortment of guilds) got to Domo and he dropped two healing bands and an eye. Due to a bug anyone was able to loot chest. Loot was being rolled on and a druid won a ring. Druid proceeded to loot his ring, as soon as the druid left the chest Midoriko jumps in and loots a band and eye. Entire team was rightfully upset and Midoriko took offense to being called out. He was offended since it was a "mistake." Perhaps pressing accept twice was a mistake? Benefit of the doubt was given and ticket was submitted, don't know if the priest submitted one him self but raid lead did. GM's unable to help, for unknown reasons.
Claims it was an accident, you all decide. Next time he logs in no doubt he will have a nice ring and be in the process of getting his Benediction. Congrats mate, well earned.
http://realmplayers.com/CharacterViewer ... r=Midoriko