A few years ago there was a guild called <Rampage> on a different private vanilla server, the guild was lead by Destro (aka Trax). At one point the guild broke up and some of the players quit playing. The rest moved on to form <Jetpack Dinosaurs> lead by a new group of officers including former Rampage officers Koopa and Cousy.
A bit over a year later JPD was then banned from the server because ??? and eventually turned into <Exiled> on Alliance side Nostalrius. At the same time, when Nost launched most of the players that had quit after Rampage came back to form the core of <Titans of War> on Horde.
These two guilds now hold the Top MC clear time in their respective factions for NA guilds.
While each guild only has 5-10 members that were in Rampage, both still raid at the same time on the same day that rampage did. Both guilds are generally strong on the same bosses (both in the top 5 fastest kill times) and weak on the same bosses (both not in the top 5). Obviously some things haven't changed since the days of Rampage
Grats on the strong legacy Destro Aka Trax