I Really Don't Understand

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I Really Don't Understand

by PanTheSatyr » Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:13 am

I'm leveing my 30-something alt in STV and am followed by two ?? Horde for several minutes until I stop and stand still. Then they kill me, laugh at me, and spit on me. They've effectively wasted several minutes of their lives and maybe two of mine.

My serious question is: Why?

What do you get out of following another player who's lower than you are and killing him? There's no Honor, no rewards. All you're doing is potentially making someone's gaming experience frustrating. I don't get why making someone you've never met before suffer is fun.

I expect a lot of flack and bullshit from people answering this, but I'm really curious: Why do you go out of your way to annoy someone you've never met?
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Re: I Really Don't Understand

by supaspork » Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:21 am

Because its fun.

Re: I Really Don't Understand

by Pallysir » Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:23 am

Usually pure boredom, having nothing else to do causes people to do some really dumb shit including gank for zero reason at all
Lvl 60 paladin, 20 days played, ganked 373 times
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Re: I Really Don't Understand

by Shimmerleaf » Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:53 am

For many years, I have also wondered why people find it amusing to ruin somebody else's experience. It is nothing but childish and immature. Some time ago, I was leveling in the Stonetalon Mountains. It is a contested zone, and so many players of both factions were roaming there. I tried my best to stay out of sight to avoid a confrontation. Suddenly, I encountered a dwarf, a few levels higher than me. I tried to be friendly by walking by without attacking him. As I tried to move away he followed me and started attacking me instead. I tried to run, hoping I could lose him in the trees. I did not make it, and so I had to run a long journey back to my corpse. I did nothing to provoke him. This is one of the reasons why I am looking forward to the PvE realm, and why I am waiting for its release before I play again. I do think that world PvP has good elements, as it requires you to stay alert as you adventure. You never know when an enemy could jump out at you. It also helps to make the world feel more dangerous and more populated. However, not being able to choose when to do it is frustrating, especially when it's not something everybody enjoys. I wouldn't mind participating in it from time to time if only people were more fair.
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Re: I Really Don't Understand

by Pugger » Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:18 am

why kids kill ants?
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Re: I Really Don't Understand

by Pugger » Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:24 am

Shimmerleaf wrote:For many years, I have also wondered why people find it amusing to ruin somebody else's experience. It is nothing but childish and immature. Some time ago, I was leveling in the Stonetalon Mountains. It is a contested zone, and so many players of both factions were roaming there. I tried my best to stay out of sight to avoid a confrontation. Suddenly, I encountered a dwarf, a few levels higher than me. I tried to be friendly by walking by without attacking him. As I tried to move away he followed me and started attacking me instead.I tried to run, hoping I could lose him in the trees.I did not make it, and so I had to run a long journey back to my corpse. I did nothing to provoke him. This is one of the reasons why I am looking forward to the PvE realm, and why I am waiting for its release before I play again. I do think that world PvP has good elements, as it requires you to stay alert as you adventure. You never know when an enemy could jump out at you. It also helps to make the world feel more dangerous and more populated. However, not being able to choose when to do it is frustrating, especially when it's not something everybody enjoys. I wouldn't mind participating in it from time to time if only people were more fair.

some ppl complain that they're being camped 24/7 and that they cant lvl up, but this guy already wanna quit for 1 death LOL

"not being able to choose when to do it is frustrating" LOL man up

u wont "choose" in pve realm either, u will just be unflagged forever :roll: :roll: :roll:

u are not in a "FAIR" game, go play mario world

haha maybe u even complain when u are robbed on street by a nigga and say "its not fair i would like to be robbed when i feel like it" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: I Really Don't Understand

by Pallysir » Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:29 am

^ sounds like top tier ganker. On PvE servers two players of either faction duel eachother or will bow and flag themselves showing they want to fight, and it happens often, atleast on the PvE servers I have played on.
Lvl 60 paladin, 20 days played, ganked 373 times
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Re: I Really Don't Understand

by Bioness » Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:44 am

While I never directly kill a low level player, I do like to mess with them from time to time.

Just innocent stuff like cc'ing them or following them at length without actually touching them.
Last edited by Bioness on Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I Really Don't Understand

by gotmilk0112 » Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:44 am

Horde have long BG queues so they spend the time ganking greys, who then make forum posts to whine about it.
knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg
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Re: I Really Don't Understand

by Dilophosaurus » Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:46 am

Pugger wrote:why kids kill ants?

Fast and bulbous.
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